Side Story 4.1 - Hosuke - Cold Emotions

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It has been quite a while ever since the last chapter I wrote in this diary of mine. Looking back at the last entry I wrote about, it was actually 6 months ago and jeez that's a long time ago. The last thing I ever wrote was about us, Team Stardust taking on against The Vermilion Bird, Zhuque. We also brought in a girl who calls herself Mei to our party, temporarily.

Mei came from a very distant land far away in the north of Crestia. Further than the next country to Crestia. It was the mainland of Zhongguo. She came here to Crestia to inform us about a prophecy that has begun and will unfold for the next few events. She told us that four strange large pillars have landed throughout the area surrounding mainland Zhongguo. Each pillars dwells a legendary creature known as The Four Symbol. The Vermilion Bird, Zhuque was the first of four that we have encountered and captured on behalf of Mei's request to capture it. Despite saying that her intention was to prevent an impending doom, she hasn't fully explained why do we need to capture all four symbols.

Putting that aside, we decided to acknowledge her request after we discussed the situation with Cyclone White, our former leader for Team Stardust. He decided to put down that title because he told me that he couldn't commit to whatever we're doing here and instead to focus on his study. I'm not blaming anything except that he should have also think about what his close friend would think. But instead, he decided to cut us off and leave us like that. In any case, he did ask one request before he handed the leadership to Blax Tank. That was to continue to help Mei and investigate about what's going on with the four symbols.

At first, most of us didn't really wanted to do it but Blax was so high-strung about the request that he insist us to do so. He was the first one accept White's request even though the request was as outlandish as anything that could happen before this. I'm not quite sure what's on Blax mind but it seems that he understands what White wanted.

He told me, "That girl, Mei. White seems to know her in some way. But somehow we don't know about her despite the fact that we're always together throughout our high school life."

"Probably his, relative or something then?" I said.

"I don't think so, Hosuke. From the way he said it to me, he doesn't sound very familliar with Mei. White's tone was a bit unsure from what I could hear from our last call."

Then I told him, "Are you sure about this? All I can tell about that girl was that I feel like I know her before. But I couldn't honestly recall when."

"Deja Vu. A feeling of something that happened before." Blax told me. "Even I felt that when I see that Zhongguo girl. There must be something that White didn't tell us. I intend to figure it out. Don't you guys want to know as well?"

Blax was right. I also felt the need to know. I want to know why I feel like I know that girl. I thought White would be honest with us but this was actually the first time he ever kept a secret to himself. I wonder why. Perhaps, the answer might be found in the form of helping out Mei. And so, I decided to join Blax on this quest to capture the four symbol together with a few of our existing members of Team Stardust to figure out who is exactly Mei.

Skipping forward in time, we have already walked for miles to reach another pillars that laid bare on the north of Zhongguo. The area over here has started to pile up with snow. It's getting cold for us over here and we're not sure if Blax's fire could hold us out in our makeshift tent. We had to find shelter as soon as possible. Rider and Airi was getting restless with the freezing temperature. Blax on the other hand was fine thanks to his innate fire ability. He could hold out a bit longer in this weather. As for me, I'm an incarnation of The Sea God, Leviathan. I could hold myself out a bit for the time being because I'm able to control my body temperature. But I couldn't simply keep it at a constant number. It requires a lot of Infinitum energy to be used. What about Mei? She seems fine from the looks of it. We don't really know much about her yet.

She told us that a village was nearby. By about 30 more miles away from our campsite. The freezing night blizzard was terrible. Nobody was able to get a good sleep. In a tight pinch, Blax decided to use his full energy to create an everlasting fire that could hold out for the rest of the night. We did survived the night thanks to him but it really took a toll on him as he was now no longer able to move by himself. Especially in this deep snow. We had to carry him on a sled that we've made at the spot this morning. And right now, the blizzards are gone and thankfully the weather had calmed itself down. We're doing our final preparations before we decided to make our move toward the nearest village. Hopefully, by the time the next entry would be written would be when we safely reached the village.


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