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დ. PART I .

"Atta boy, Beau!" Thorton beamed, taking hold of his son and lifting him up. The child squealed, hugging the man's neck and kissed Thorton's cheek. 

"I'm a big boy now, Daddy!" 

Thorton laughed, agreeing with his son. He placed Beau on his hip, getting a good hold before looking down at the new garden he helped Beau plant. It was in front of their new home and Beau wanted to do something to make it theirs. Though he couldn't see, the little boy's senses were more profound so Beau loved to smell flowers. 

"I think we did a great job, Kiddo." Thorton looked at his son who was tilting his head toward his father, listening to the man's voice. Then Beau sat up and nodded in agreement, that he made a good team with Thorton. 

Thorton kissed his son's head, turning around and going up the porch steps. He glanced at Beau while reaching for the door handle. "Why don't we get ready and then head over to meet everyone, hm?"

"Uh huh!" Beau nodded, already wiggling out of his father's arms. 

He knew the layout of his home very well. His father spent hours walking around the house with Beau, speaking out loud to what room they were in and let the boy use his hands to touch the furniture in the room. It was about a month and a half before Beau could run around the house without bumping into everything. 

Thorton grinned, hearing his son rummaging through the small trunk by the living room entrance where they kept their shoes. The trunk opening was secured against the wall for reasons such as Beau leaning into the trunk then diving in completely for his shoes. It was a safety precaution Thorton took very seriously. 

"I've got 'em, Daddy!" the boy's muffled voice cried in excitement. One arm stuck out of the trunk with a little blue sneaker. A few moments later, Beau popped up and held up his shoes proudly. "Look!" 

He heard his father laugh and it was closer so Beau looked up where Thorton stood in front of the trunk. Thorton commended his son who lifted his hands up (shoes still held onto) and beamed. The father bent to dig out Beau from the pile of shoes then carried him over to the table. 

"Daddy?" Beau watched where he could feel his father putting on his shoe. 


Beau scrunched his nose, pursing his mouth to the side and asked, "Is today the day when Wren comes home?"

He felt his father's hands still and Beau frowned, looking up to where he sensed his father was. The man was tall so Beau had to crane his neck back a bit. 

Thorton grinned a little, reaching over to brush Beau's hair off his forehead. 

He knew Beau still missed Wren Phoenix---the young woman who had cared and loved Beau when he had no one. It was still difficult, even after all these months to sit down and explain to Beau that Wren was not coming back. That she couldn't come back because her heart stopped beating. 

For Beau, he didn't understand. Thorton's heart hurt when the little boy tilted his head, confused that his eyes stopped working but Beau still came back. Thorton could only nod, sighing that it was a little different and maybe Thorton could try to explain again next time. 

So it wasn't really a surprise that Beau asked again about Wren. Thinking that she was going to come "home". 

"No, Kiddo. Today is not the day."

In the Mist of Chaos (Book 4 in the Original SOCIETY Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now