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"I know that you are all frightened! And I know you are angry!" 

Auric stood on the stepping stone in the meeting area, addressing those remaining survivors in the Alliance. His broad shoulders straightened, looking out at the crowd. His infamous scowl only adding to the address he was making to the others. 

"I also know... it is a lot to ask of you all..." Auric's frown deepened, his gray eyes looking over the crowd. "...To use those emotions in order to fuel yourselves for what has to come next! What we must all do now that our home was intruded." He turned his gaze to a different section of the crowd. "Ruined." 

Some of those in the crowd nodded in agreement. Others tearfully trying to comfort one another. 

Auric swallowed, his eyes tearing as his voice remained strong but there was a small falter in it.

"I, too, have lost..." He paused, swallowing again and looked over at Thea who was standing up straight with her arms crossed. Her chin was up in the air, but Auric could see it was trembling to keep from crying again. "My wife and I... have lost a child." Then there was Oakley blubbering against her Uncle Jonah.

The crowd's eyes widened, some looking at one another and murmuring quietly. Auric sighed, shutting his eyes as his brows furrowed. His heart was heavy, having to share the loss of a child with others in the Alliance. 

Auric's voice cracked a bit in addressing once more. "My son... My eldest son... Eli" He looked at the crowd. "Your Hybrid Protector was lost in battle. Overtaken by those of the Society outside the walls. They isolated him intentionally..." 

He frowned, disappointed in himself for not having kept a better eye on his son. In the process of losing his son, Wren had been stolen, as well as Bryce and Cleo. And little Hoagie was killed in the storm. 

Auric's gaze lifted, standing taller. "My son... was a threat to the Society. We all were! But they knew Eli as a monster... an abomination to the very creatures those in the Society already feared."

His throat itched, feeling his tears well up again. Those in the crowd looked up at him, taking in Auric's every word; feeling compelled to listen more so now that their new leader had something to fight for. 

A third of the Alliance had been murdered. And with the remaining bloodied and bruised from the fight, it took some time to figure out who was alive and who wasn't. 

Among those who lost their lives was Azkar. 

In the event that he would no longer be able to guide his people, Azkar was adamant of appointing Auric to take over. Ever since the Dennisons joined the Alliance, the old man strongly felt he was making the right choice. Azkar was sure of his decision after the last incident when the family had to leave Blood Moon Falls behind.

Azkar had a twinkle in his eye when he saw the stunned look on the father's face. 

"You forget I have no son or daughter to pass on the title to, Auric." Azkar had a small smile on his face. "I was not lucky enough to have such a blessing." 

The old man nodded at Auric, reminding him that Auric had been an Alpha at one point. Azkar saw the frown appear and it made him grin. 

"You're an Alpha, Auric Dennison." Azkar raised a brow, tilting his head slightly. "There are many things to support that statement." 

Azkar nodded in the direction of Thea running around chasing her youngest son. Little Gray Dennison giggling as he hopped around. A little ways to the side, Eli sat with his new puppy. 

In the Mist of Chaos (Book 4 in the Original SOCIETY Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now