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That's what I've been for the past couple of days. The past three days to be more exact. 

All my mind was replaying was that day when Eli kissed me. Over and over my mind was reeling and my fingers participated with lightly touching my bottom lip. Their fingertips caressing from side to side and I'd find myself sitting still long enough that I was able to remember what it felt like to have that kiss.

And not just any kiss. It was a kiss that I'd never experienced before. 

When I was with Pierce and we'd make out, it was nice. He was my first everything so to me, someone who'd never kissed anyone, Pierce's kisses were nice. They were the kind where you can actually feel the intensity of the other person's lips. His kisses were slow and gentle, deep and meaningful, and... and, well, were always responsible for my chapped lips the next day. Pierce was the soft and sensual kind of kiss. 

But Eli... Sigh.

My lips quirked into a small grin thinking about him. 

I only got one kiss from Eli. Just one. But even with just that one...? It was something incomparable.  

This might sound strange and... and, well, sudden because I don't really know Eli but... but it was hard to think of anything else other than to linger against those lips of his. That one kiss was the ultimate perfect kiss, as it combines any and all other kinds of kisses. 

Eli's kiss felt like when you sit by a fireplace and sip hot chocolate with your best friend who is actually more your special someone; feeling safe, secure... and deeply loved. It's warm. It's home. Both you and that special someone are your genuine selves with one another. But at the same time... at the same time, you feel like a character from a passionate literary novel because your heart is pounding furiously and you--- you---

You never want that moment to end.

My eyes shut, brows furrowed as I ponder on that feeling; focusing on how fast my heart is racing at this moment just thinking of one kiss. But again... it wasn't just a kiss. It was the kiss. The one that hints that you've just become the luckiest person in the world to experience this type of kiss. 

The best way I can describe my kiss with Eli Dennison is... a True Love's kiss. 

I groaned, lying back on the ground in the wheat field and frowned at the pretty blue sky. 

Pft. Listen to me... How cheesy can I get? True love? Does that really exist? 

It must though if I never felt that way before when I was with Pierce. I'd never felt so intrigued by someone like I am with Eli. So that had to count for something... right?

After that moment under the sun, I was left on the ground by that handsome werewolf and didn't seem bothered that some of the Alliance were watching me. I must have looked ridiculous lying on the ground like a starfish with a Dorito on my nose.

The remainder of that day, I was quiet. Other than nodding or giving a simple reply when asked something, I didn't say much. And when Bryce had told me about his visit with one of Bobby's fathers, I was just nodding though I barely heard what he said. I did notice, though, that he looked a little more relieved. 

In the Mist of Chaos (Book 4 in the Original SOCIETY Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now