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  დOutside the Alliance: At the Society❧  

With her focus was on the file in front of her, the included documents spread out for a better view, Saphina's brow rose as she read. At the moment she was reviewing the stats for her rebellious soldier and highlighted various points. 

Now she could continue to flip through the paperwork. And highlight some more as she goes.

Originally, when Saphina requested the file on Wren Phoenix, it was to get a better understanding of the rebel soldier who outsmarted a handful of her fellow comrades and escaped with a Werewolf who had been listed for a Death Raid

Death Raids were of the norm in their Society. It was necessary to keep the Werewolves (the many that were still in hiding) on their toes. For them to be warned that they would fall to the same demise if they were found or caught. 

So Saphina was not expecting for a Death Raid to be intercepted those months ago. The raids were scheduled, yet the knowledge of when and where and who was confidential. It was a list that only high ranks had. So there was no way in hell that one of Saphina's younger soldiers, who would not have made rank as of yet, could possibly know about the scheduled raid unless the teenager had been informed ahead of time. 

Which she was. By her father. 

The girl's father was a high rank, namely a Corporal. Said Corporal had already been in the military when the Society took over the government but when it was announced that the military would become part of the Society, the Corporal was ready to resign his title. Thankfully, Saphina's father-in-law had a hand in ensuring that the Corporal---whose own stats were off the charts---would remain under the thumb of the Society.

Though the Corporal had initially refused to partake in being involved with the new leadership, Armon Deveraux was of a powerful status in the government and his values matched those of the Society. He was persuasive in a more... physical... way and though Deveraux and the Corporal were good friends at one point, the former set aside his old friend to put the Corporal in his place... By getting hold of his daughter. 

Saphina had read the "Initiation Report" which was a detailed rundown of each soldier's entry into the Society. Most were those of willing military personnel. This was not the case for a particular teenage girl by the name of Wren Phoenix. 

Due to her father's reluctance to join the Society, Saphina's father had retained enough background on the Corporal from Deveraux to put out the order of raiding his home. The raiders had been aware that the Corporal would not be home, though he was not the actual target. 

Thirteen-year-old Wren Phoenix had been home from her first day of high school when the raid happened. She'd been forced against her will to be given the mark of the Society. The Raiders held her down and her screams went ignored by anyone who had heard in the neighborhood. 

Wren Phoenix's tattoo placement condemned her---the mark being placed on the back of her neck heeded warning to others in the Society that the tattoo placement signified who she was: The offspring to a high-rank Adversary. 

To some this wouldn't be a big deal, however, being the child to one of the most sought after Military personnel who refused to partake in a "better future" labeled the Corporal as a possible threat. A threat to the new way of life and being a threat placed a target on one's back. In this case, with his high ranking, the Corporal would not be victim to threats as much as his child who held no rank in the Society as of the moment. 

In the Mist of Chaos (Book 4 in the Original SOCIETY Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now