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I suck at math so I can't exactly tell you how long I was sitting at the Dennison kitchen table staring at Oakley liked she grew an extra eye on her forehead. There was a lot of blinking though. And sitting. Lots of that too.

My brain was still trying to catch up with what I was just told and I wasn't sure if that would be a good thing or not. I think it was weird that my just sitting there was the reaction to hearing that I am the only "weakness" to who is the most notorious Supernatural creature in my time. 

I turned slightly hearing Thea coming over as her soft tone let me know that I didn't have to say anything at the moment. That I was told a lot of information and it was okay for me to process it. 

But I did. Say something, I mean.

"Does he know?"

I stared up at Thea, swallowing hard as my heart pounded wildly in my chest. I wasn't sure why I needed to know. To know if her son knew this vision. But from the way her brown eyes looked so sullen, I was dreading her answer. 

"He does... Yes." Oh... So it wasn't the answer I thought she was going to say. 

I frowned, turning in my chair to face her better. "So then why? Why would you allow me to stay here knowing that I am somehow---" my nose scrunched, trying to find the right words. I threw my hand up in the air. "---Going to get your son killed!?"

My shoulders slumped, staring up at the woman who had been so welcoming since I met her. 

"Doesn't that scare you?" I whispered; the guilt building again.

While I sat there, waiting for a response, Thea turned to look at a quiet Oakley. The teenage girl was tracing the rim of her plate, but then felt her mother's gaze and looked up at her. They had this small moment before Thea---still staring at Oakley---replied to me with, "Terrified."

She faced me, brows furrowed a bit as she nodded. "I am terrified for my son, Wren. But even with knowing who you are... what meeting you can do to him---to his life---I think about how so many times the visions we'd experienced have changed. Even in the slightest."

My brows furrowed a bit more, still not understanding how she was so calm. How she could be standing in front of me knowing that I could possibly... I swallowed, blinking at my lap. I licked my lips, looking up at her again.

"And what about... what..." I paused, taking a deep breath. "What does Eli think?"

A small smile---just a hint---was on the mother's lips and her brown eyes softened. 

"It was his decision, Wren, to look past the vision. To look past what could happen." Thea shrugged a shoulder, a light laugh escaping. "I think my son was just fascinated with those small moments Oakley shared what you looked like."

I frowned again, leaning back. "He was...?" 

She nodded.

Lowering a brow, I made a small grunt, grumbling that it didn't seem like it since he was always scowling at me since he found out about my tattoo. My hand instinctively went behind my neck, rubbing lightly at the skin. I could feel the raised skin of the symbol and I dropped my hand to my lap again.

"He doesn't seem to like me very much. Doesn't even like me being friends with a Werewolf, apparently..."

Oakley and Thea looked at one another before I caught the small smiles tugging at their lips. They both laughed---not in a mean way---and Oakley sat forward. Her bubbly personality was showing again as she leaned forward and shook her head. Those gray eyes of hers glinting like the rest of her.

In the Mist of Chaos (Book 4 in the Original SOCIETY Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now