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დ R E C A P❧

"What's happening!? Grandpa, what's wrong with her!?"

Oakley tried to squeeze by her grandmother who scolded her to stop. That until her grandfather gave the 'OK' for the teenager to stay back.

"She's going through the Change!" Titan panicked. "But---But it's nothing like what we are used to. Not even for a Hybrid."

"Open... Your eyes, Cleo." It was an order. And being a Hybrid like him meant she'd trust him.

Cleo's eyelids fluttered open, squinting a second because of the sunlight then relaxed. She looked at Eli whose brow rose while leaning back a bit then Cleo frowned, turning to look at us. I heard Oakley gasp but I was too shocked to do the same thing.

"What?" Cleo frowned, looking at the rest of our stunned faces. "What's wrong?"

Her eye-color was nothing close to the blood-orange Eli, Gray, and Oakley shared. Instead... Cleo's wolf eyes were a neon Amethyst color.

A N D   N O W...


With this new situation with Cleo's eye color, all of us were unable to understand what was going on. I, in particular, couldn't comprehend anything because this wasn't my world. I was still learning. 

Auric scowled as he muttered that we needed to get Cleo back inside the house. He glanced at his father when he added that this required for him to have everyone together to discuss Cleo. For her sake. Needless to say, the Hollows were informed about their daughter's painful Change and rushed over with Bobby who had been sent to get them.

The worry in Cleo's mother's face when she ran in was accompanied with her panicked voice, calling for her daughter. Langley searched around until Cleo called over to her. Langley's husband was right behind his wife, sharing her panic.

"Cleo! Are you alright!?" Langley sat down, holding her daughter's face who winced. Cleo whined that she was fine, that they didn't have to get so paranoid.

The teenager's eyes slowly lifted to her father standing by her mother. Mr. Hollow's brows furrowed over those worried violet-blues he passed on to his daughter. He looked a little torn between being upset and being worried. Luckily, he chose the latter. 

Mr. Hollow stood in front of Cleo, brushing back her hair from her face and sighed out his relief that she was okay. He swallowed, shifting his gaze to his wife and Langley raised a brow with her pointed look. Mr. Hollow sighed, shutting his eyes as he turned ever so slowly to face us. 

He rubbed the back of his neck, looking everywhere but at us now and muttered that he was grateful for us being around to help his daughter, despite the issues that were between them. 

Auric lowered a brow, raising the other. His eyelids half-mast as he replied, "You're the one who had the issue."

His father nudged him pretty hard and Auric growled at Titan. "Am I lying?" Titan just gave him a silent look that made the younger roll his eyes and look back to Mr. Hollow. Auric just nodded, saying how the Hollows have always been their closest friends so Cleo was family. 

Auric's brief smirk of Mr. Hollow's wince made me bite my lip to keep from smiling myself. 

I noticed that Mr. Hollow was looking around the room and frowned. Auric noticed this too and crossed his arms, lowering his chin as he settled his gray eyes on Maddox, Sr. 

In the Mist of Chaos (Book 4 in the Original SOCIETY Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now