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I hate the groggy feeling you get when waking up from what your body hints was a really long nap. To be honest, my mind was trying to play catch up to figuring out why I was taking a nap to begin with. No matter how much I racked my brain, no matter how much I was trying to remember the last thing I saw when I was awake... I couldn't. 

It didn't feel good though. Feeling groggy, I mean. 

There was this overwhelming feeling in my head that I couldn't decide was a headache or not because it wasn't exactly painful. It just... was there. 

So when I pried my eyes open, I shut them again because I could feel the dizziness of sleeping too long hit me. Taking in a deep breath, my mind focused on relaxing before trying to open my eyes again. 

The room wasn't dark but it wasn't brightly lit either. From the flickering shadows in front of me, I was facing the wall. Only a few candles must be lit instead of the giant battery-powered lantern I was used to which was why the room looked more dim than usual. 

Slowly, I rolled over to peer over my shoulder; squinting as I scanned the room until I saw Bryce sitting in a chair by the flickering candles. His posture slumped in his seat as he was reading. I wasn't sure what though in the lighting.

When I went to say his name, my throat felt dry and I groaned, twisting around to try and sit up. But with how sore I was feeling and the drowsiness from sleeping way too long, a simple motion as sitting was not computing to my body. The struggle was real.  

"Hey... Hold on, Phi." 

I heard Bryce shuffling and a small thud that I assumed was the book he set down. He came over to my side, the bed dipping so I rocked in that direction and slumped against Bryce. Bryce helped sit me up, bending his head to ask me if I was okay. I just nodded, not ready to say anything since I wanted the drowsiness to wear off. Instead, I was able to look up at him to see how worried he looked. 

My nose scrunched and I silently pointed to my throat. 

"You need water?"

I nodded.

Bryce got up, walking to the chair he'd been sitting in and took a glass off the small table where the candles were. He came over to sit down and handed me the drink. I gulped down what he had left then sighed in relief that my throat didn't hurt anymore. 

My voice sounded hoarse when I asked, "What happened?" but Bryce didn't comment on it.

"You had a seizure, Phi." I blinked, frowning as my friend's brows rose and leaned a bit forward. "A violent one."

My gaze lowered to the glass in my lap and I sighed, asking him if he knew. I didn't have to clarify exactly what I was referring to because Bryce nodded, running his fingers through his hair and admitted that Oakley was the one who mentioned about my being off my medication. My nose scrunched, figuring that it was only a matter of time that he'd find out. 

What was I expecting really when I knew how important that medicine was?

"Why didn't you say anything, Phi?" Bryce's voice filled with desperation and it only made me feel more guilty.

I glanced at him, sighing, "I'm sorry! I know---I know I should have said something but with what's been going on I just didn't think about it. It didn't feel as important."

"'Didn't feel as important'?!" Bryce scoffed, frowning at me. 

He scolded that it was important, that me staying alive was just as important as him staying alive. 

In the Mist of Chaos (Book 4 in the Original SOCIETY Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now