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The hunger throughout those remaining in the Alliance to avenge their fallen was boosted the moment Gray walked through the broken opening of the wall. His blood-orange color more intense than usual as he stepped aside and revealed a more than agitated tall, Herculean Hybrid.

"Eli!" Thea cried, breaking out of the group first. Her family right behind her.

Eli narrowed his eyes, shutting them for a second as he rolled his neck and shoulders until back into his human form. Just in time for when his mother rammed against him. She was blubbering against his chest and Eli frowned, holding her tight. 

His brown eyes lifted to his father's as the man approached. His face relieved despite the usual stoic look he wore. Auric raised a hand to place behind his son's neck and grinned through now teary eyes. 

"I'm fine, Dad." Eli nodded, turning to his younger brother with a grateful gaze. "Because of Gray."

Gray flushed, frowning at the way he was being stared at now. His frown turned to his older brother, muttering that Gray wouldn't have been able to care for the Alliance on his own. So it was kind of selfish of him to make sure Eli was still around.

Eli grinned---just a little---and placed a hand behind his brother's neck. He nodded that regardless of what Gray might feel were selfish reasons, Eli appreciated being saved. 

The softness in his features darkened all of a sudden as he growled, "Because now I get to hunt. And I know the perfect place to start."

Gray's grin appeared, his wolf's eyes taking over. Eli nodded, turning to his family and the rest of the Alliance. Whatever thrill was now shooting through his little brother's veins had swept through the remainder of the Alliance---those whom were wolves revealed their shimmering golden eyes, those whom were Advanced Humans sneered as they rolled their shoulders back; getting into Hunter Mode.

Eli's jaw tightened, turning to his father who turned at the same time. 

Auric raised a brow, lowering his chin as he informed his son of Auric taking the place of their fallen leader, Azkar. 

"But the people are behind you, Eli, as much as me. They are ready for your commands and I'll be right there to help you in any way I can."

The father and son shared a small moment; Auric looking a little worried as he tried to be discreet in looking over the dried blood on Eli's chest while his son glanced at himself before flicking his gaze up to meet his father's. 

"I'm fine, Dad. It's healing. I barely feel a thing." Eli's lip curled, growling, "It'll be nothing what that Fuck will feel when I get a hold of him." 

 Flashes of what happened came back to him. Those last peaceful moments with Wren... and then seeing the Societal Members with their Squad Leader at the front. The blond had been identified as Pierce---someone Wren mentioned was an ex-boyfriend. 

But those last moments... just before he blacked out... he saw the panic in Wren's green eyes. Her struggle to get out of Pierce's hold was useless and her screams still sent chills down Eli. 

Another growl rumbled out of him. He shook his head, turning to the others and raised his voice to announce they all had ten minutes to gather their weapons. They would be leaving right after. 

Eli's brown eyes scanned the crowd until seeing his Uncle Jonah and his family. With a quick nod to his uncle and aunt, Eli settled on the twins. The two young women straightened, their arms crossing over their chest at the same time. Lorraine and Isabelle raised a brow, already sensing they would be needed.

In the Mist of Chaos (Book 4 in the Original SOCIETY Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now