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"I think this is my favorite part of the day..." I sighed through a whisper. Though I knew he could hear me. Being a Werewolf and all.

Keeping my eyes shut and feeling the cool breeze kiss my skin, the corner of my lip twitched at the ticklish feeling my hair gave on my cheek as it brushed against it. I ended up having to lift my hand to brush my hair out of my face since the tickling sensation was too much. 

I could feel Eli's fingers playing with my hair. It made me smile a bit since it felt weird but good at the same time. 

Eli really liked doing this, I noticed. It was a newly developed habit for him. 

The first time he played with my hair, he took a strand---despite how short it was---and slipped it under his nose with his head tipped back a bit and pursed his lips. 

"What are you doing, Eli?" I frowned, finding it difficult to glance at him from the side since he was so determined to keep the strand in place. He clasped his fingers together as he looked upward but didn't answer me. 

Instead, the Hybrid decided to look my way before taking the strand from where he placed it and switched it to my face. He grinned, chuckling as he admired the pseudo-mustache. 

"Really?" I deadpanned. 

In response, Eli raised his brows and nodded, "Really." before leaning forward to kiss my forehead. 

Sigh. I like him too much...


I took in a deep breath, smiling to myself and shrugged that it was because of how peaceful it was up on this hill. And that it was the comfortable silence he and I shared sometimes that really convinced me Eli was someone special for me.

Eli was still playing with my hair. 

"I've always believed that it takes a special kind of person to just sit with, and can have so much to say...without having to say anything at all." 

I opened my eyes, tilting my head a bit to stare up at the handsome Werewolf whose lap I was leaning on.

"Don't you believe in things like that? As corny as it might be?" 

Eli's brown gaze just watched me, his brows dipping slightly and I felt myself smile. My hand lifted towards his face, letting the back of my finger trace along the side of his face... along his jaw. When I met his gaze again, Eli finally said something.

"I don't think it's corny at all," he shook his head, taking hold of my hand in his to kiss the back of it. He continued to hold my hand, resting it against his chest and sighed with a small smile. He asked if he could be honest about something and for me not to laugh at him. I grinned and Eli narrowed his eyes.

"I'm serious, Sunshine. You can't laugh at me." 

I know he wasn't actually serious because he called me 'Sunshine'. 

This was something else I noticed within the three weeks that I've gotten to spend time with Eli Dennison; Eli only ever called me by the nickname he bestowed on me. It was rare that he said my actual name. The only time I remember him saying my name was weeks back when I scared the shit out of him (apparently) because of my seizure. 

Luckily, I haven't had one since because of my medication. Eli makes sure that I take that every morning. He even brought me back a watch from one of the supply runs. He tapped on the face of the watch and raised his brows while informing me that it has an alarm system that beeps. 

In the Mist of Chaos (Book 4 in the Original SOCIETY Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now