Chapter 47|| Marriage

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|Jimin's POV|

We didn't spend much more time in Japan as sooner or later we had to go back to work even if we were having a great time being lazy.

The first thing we had to do is tell everyone that we're getting married, of course Sunmi and her wife already know so now we just have to tell our friends and our parents. I was sure that our friends would be delighted to hear that but I had some low expectations from my mother when it comes to this topic. I know she's quite religious and doesn't understand how it is possible to love someone the same sex as themselves but at least she's been trying her best to accept the idea.

In the end I wanted my mom to know before I tell my friends, and because this matter is about both me and Jungkook, I brung him along to the small house we once were living as a 'family'.

Knocking twice on the door I patiently waited for my mother to open the door. When she did she looked more surprised than ever when she saw me and Jungkook in front of her house.

"Jimin, Jungkook...  what brings you here?.." She asked looking at both of us.

"We have some news mom, so we came to talk." I said and the quite old now woman stepped aside to let us in. We all sat in the livingroom, me next to Jungkook and my mother in front of us. She prepared tea for us and when it was done I realised it's time to talk.

"So what is it?" She asked expecting an answer.

"Well, as you know we went to Japan-" I began taking it a step at a time. The woman took a sip of her tea. "And Jungkook proposed to me." My mother started choking on her drink as the information hit her hard.

"O-oh.." She coughed for a while until she got her breathing back to normal. "So you're getting married?" She asked making sure she heard right.

"Yes." Jungkook nodded. "We're going to get married." My mother didn't say anything for a little while which made me feel extremely nervous that I had to squeeze Jungkooks hand.

"Well, as long as you happy, do what you want." The woman muttered out, trying to be as nice as possible.

"You know, you're invited to the wedding, right?" I spoke quietly to not startle the woman in front of me.

"That's fine, I'll think about going." She muttered. I was hoping my mother would come, after all she gave birth to me and raised me to who I am right now.

Me and Jungkook didn't spend much more time at her house and left to meet up with our friends in a bar.

"YOU'RE ENGAGED!?" Seokjin sat up throwing his hands on the table.

"Yup" I giggled finding his reaction funny.

"Celebrations!~~" Hoseok and Taehyung sung together, it seemed like they were to most excited ones.

"When's the wedding?" Namjoon asked being the calmest one here together with Yoongi.

"We're not sure yet, but we're planning it all." Jungkook answered for me as his arm sneaked around my waist.

"Who else knows about this?" Yoongi questioned seemingly ignoring the two goofy boys who were dancing next to him out of happiness.

"Jungkooks dad, my mom, Jungkook told Jisoo and also Sunmi and Chungha know." I listed out.

"If them plus us go to your wedding that it sure will be a small one." Seokjin pointed out.

"Doesn't matter, as long as the most important people are there we'll be happy." Jungkook shrugged.

"I wish I could get married like you two." Hoseok suddenly said as he leaned on the table, resting his elbows on it making everyone look at him questionigly.

"Since when do you care about getting married?" Namjoon asked, surprised by what the younger has said.

"What? Just cuz I haven't dated anyone since primary school does not mean I didn't want to date someone and marry them." Hoseok seemed a bit offended by Namjoon assuming he doesn't want a relationship.

"But do you even have someone you like?" Taehyung also came over intrigued in this turn of events. Hoseok smiled softly.

"Yeah, I do, but I don't think I'll be able to get with them. They see me as nothing more than a friend." Hoseok explained and Seokjin scoffed.

"Sounds a hell a lot like something one of my friends once told me years ago." Seokjin looked at Jungkook but he ran away from him with his eyes and I looked at Jungkook questionigly but he only gestured to not worry about it.

"Can we get back on to the subject of Jungkook and Jimin getting married instead of getting distracted?" Yoongi said with a sound of irritation in his voice.

"Jeez what happened to you?" Teahyung asked seemingly surprised by the olders reaction.

"Nothing, I just think we shouldn't get distracted and make this much longer than we should." Yoongi pointed out.

"Why are you getting all angry over this?" Hoseok asked this time, seeming as he didn't understand this situation.

"Guys let's just get back to the topic-" I tried to stop this conversation before it would escalate to something else but Yoongi stood up abruptly.

"Sorry Jimin but I don't think I can stay any longer. I remembered I need to file some divorce papers.." Yoongi said but he wasn't facing me when he spoke. He was looking straight at Hoseok before walking past him and walking out of the bar.

There was a bitter silence between all of us as I assumed no one knee what was actually happening to Yoongi except for me.

"He's.. getting divorced?.." Hoseok's voice was quiet, nothing alike to his usual happy tone.

"Yes.. I assume no one here knew except for me.." I answered, nodding.

"Fucks sake, why can't I say anything right to him.." Hoseok sighed frustrated before taking his stuff and going after Yoongi.

I don't know why but it kinda made me smile how he's basically running out after Yoongi. Maybe they'll finally get closer.

"What was all of that about?" Jungkook asked confused as he probably had some trouble on catching on what was happening.

"Don't worry, I'll explain later." I smiled rubbing his shoulder like a child's.


I can't remember if I uploaded yesterday or not but here's a chapter for all of you now!

Guess what guys,

I think this will be the last chapter of this book. Time to write an epilogue and then edit both of the books 😂

I actually can't believe I'm already finishing my second book, so many emotions I'm feeling lmao

I also changed my name on here to be River as I really like that name lmao 😅


Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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