Chapter 8|| Explanation

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|Jimin's Pov|

"So, what did you want to talk about then?" I asked sitting down on a bench in a quiet little park that I haven't actually ever been in.

"Uh, well.. so first of all I wanted to apologize once more. I wasn't thinking.. and also.." He stopped for a bit looking around as if for some help. "I wanted to explain my attitude towards you.." I tended up a bit feeling nervous kinda not wanting to hear what Jungkook will say but at the same time I wanted to understand.

"Alright.." I said missing slightly to signalise that he can begin.

Jungkook sighed and then begun speaking. "So, I think the most logical way to start would be around a year after you left.. When we started to talk less.." He said slightly looking at me before continuing. "I began to lock myself in.. wouldn't leave my phone at home or turn of the sound.. I would be sitting there, waiting for your text but.. they started to come in rarely and almost never.. I realised that- I realised that we were falling apart." He explained and I bit my lip. "I never thought that I would have to break it off but, I did.. and it hurt like hell. That's when I really locked myself in. I stayed home, didn't speak with anyone, didn't sleep, didn't eat.. at some point I ended up in a hospital for around two-three months.. I really hated it without you.." He added.

I never realised how much I have hurt him until reasently but hearing it in detail.. I'm starting to hate myself even more.

"It took me a while to get out of that state.. That's when I met Taeyoon, she also- was going through a break up at that time and I guess we just bonded." Jungkook took a second to breath in. "Though it didn't take her long to get over her ex. I on the other hand, I still hoped you'd text me saying sorry.. But you never did. That angered me. I started to wish that I'd never met you, that I should've kept being cold towards you, that all of that was some kind of mistake. But after all, all of that hatered was fake- because I still loved you. Maybe it wasn't as evident but I did. When I realised that, I tried to stop those feelings, to not let myself fall back into that hole -because I knew I'd get hurt again." I analysed all the things he was saying carefully and slowly came to the conclusion that out of all people Jungkook could've met, it shouldn't have been me. "So, I started dating Taeyoon to surpass those feelings with feelings for her. That did work but the moment I as you after all those years I knew this wasn't the end of this war. That I'd fall back if I didn't try distance myself from you, but you were Norse persistent than ever." He said and I felt the need to start talking.

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry you had to go through this.. I'm sorry I'm making you struggle again! I know I'm a bad person, I understand why you hated me in the first pl-" I wanted to continue but I got cut off by Jungkooks hand over my lips.

"I haven't finished.." He said quietly before removing his hand from my lips. "What I wanted to say now is that even though I went through hell; I should never have said what I did to you that night. Just as you said, we all make mistakes and I honestly, don't even know how to feel about all of this." He said with a mixed expression but then he looked up at me. "I still love you. But I don't think I can just let Taeyoon go just yet. That wouldn't be right. Just give me some time to work everything out." He added with a gentle smile. "And for now, let's just keep being friends." He finished and I didn't know how to reply to all of this.

"So.. you forgive me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I forgive you." He said standing up followed by me also standing up.

"I'm happy then." I said with a smile. I still felt unhappy with myself and I'll surely never forgive myself for this but Jungkook doesn't need to know that. Shortly after we parted out ways and I went home to scold Seokjin for plotting all of this event, but also thank because without his help i probably wouldn't speak to Jungkook for another eight years or something like that. As I walked back it started to get dark and there weren't many people walking around anymore, I liked Seoul at sunset. Everything starts to go quiet until the sun is fully gone. That's when Seoul turns into a night city. I looked in front of me careless of anything at this point until I came face to face with someone I haven't since for those eight years.

"Jimin?" She spoke gently.

"Jisoo.." I said with a smile on my face.


This is going to have nothing to do with the chapter but- BLACKPINK ARE COMING TO ENGLAND AND I'M HERE LIKE: "WILL I HAVE THE MONEY TO GO?! 😭😭😱"

This is a big thing for me, because I haven't been on a concert EVER in my life and I wanted to defecate it to a kpop group and when BTS were in England I didn't have the money to go and I'm scared that this time I won't as well but I still have hope so nothing is lost yet!

Anyways, that's all from me.

Have a great day/night wherever you are!


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