Chapter 36|| Lee Jihoon

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|Jimin's POV|

It was the first day of my new job today. At first I was stressed but as the time went on it was actually quite easy. There were twenty more minutes of the first session when one of the 'students' started to have some trouble catching on to the moves I begun teaching everyone, so I had to assist him most of the time which I didn't mind as that's basically my job. He seemed to really struggle so sometimes I even had to catch him before he face planted the floor. In all honesty it was actually quite funny but I couldn't exactly laugh so I just smiled instead.

The lesson then soon finished and I said goodbye to everyone as I grabbed my water bottle. Just then I felt a light tap on my shoulder, when I looked up I was met with the student I was helping out before. "Goodbye Mr Park." He said smiling gently so I returned the smile.

"Goodbye." With a friendly tone I followed him out with my eyes before I realised that Jungkook was standing by the door. "Oh, Jungkook. How long have you been there?" I asked immediately getting up and walking up to him.

"About ten minutes, that's all." He said with a somewhat sad smile. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Are you alright? You seem upset." I stared into his eyes but he looked away, my stomach did a backflip knowing that something serious was up.

"Uh.. Just had an argument with my dad." He said scratching the back of his neck. "But I'm fine, so don't worry about me." Adding to that he smiled once more but again, I saw a tint of sadness.

I smiled not wanting to bother him and just said: "Well okay, if you say so." I intertwined my fingers with his and we went to his car and drove home, but through the whole drive I could sense that Jungkook was wanting to ask me something but hesitated every time. Getting annoyed by the silence I decided to break it. "If you want to ask me something just do it already." Jungkook looked at me in the corner of his eye before taking a breath in and out.

"This one guy you were helping out in the lesson; what's his name?" I looked at Jungkook, confused as to why he asked that question but also, why did he struggle to ask me that this whole time.

"Eh? His name's Lee Jihoon, why? Do you know him or something?" I replied wanting to know the reasoning behind this.

"Something like that.." Was his response which ended the conversation. I felt how worry starts to slowly build up in the pit of my stomach but I didn't dare continue this already dead conversation as I thought I'd only upset Jungkook even more. So, I stayed quiet all the way to our home where we parted our ways as Jungkook headed straight upstairs while I went to th kitchen to cook dinner for both of us.

I begun questioning myself weather I should ask him if he's okay once again or ask him about that Jihoon guy but maybe it wasn't the best choice. Next I begun asking if I myself done something wrong, and when I realised that I might've I left all the cooking on low heat and walked upstairs to find Jungkook in front of his desk staring down at his phone that he held in his hands very intensely.

I quietly made my way to Jungkook before I wrapped my arms around him from the back making him jump in surprise. "Jungkookie.. If I did something wrong to upset you or if anything else made you sad or angry or whatever, well I'm sorry and just know that I'm here for you and you can talk to me about anything." I muttered closing my eyes to just speak from my heart. "I won't make you talk if you don't want to but I am worried, and I hope that whatever made you like this, that you'll get through it quickly and be happy once again." After that I wanted to just pull away and leave him alone again but I felt his cold hand touch mine and my eyes opened whith hope that he'll be willing to tell me what happened.

"Thank you," He replied quietly. "But I don't think I'm ready to talk yet." He added on before moving his hand away. An instant feel of coldness attacked my hand that once was covered by Jungkook's warmth. I stepped away from him, thinking that, that would make him look at me, but I was wrong as he kept on facing one way.

I sighed defeated. "Okay." I said rubbing my neck. "Take your time." And so, I left the room to continue cooking.

Dinner was silent as it seemed none of us had anything to say. My reasoning was that I was too scared that I'll say something wrong and I don't want to anger him or annoy him any further than he already is, so the second I was finished with my food I went to grab a shower. In the bathroom I took out my phone and scrolled through my contacts to find Sunmi's but a different caught my attention.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I was confused what it did there as I never added a person named 'Jihoon' into my phone.

That's when it clicked.

It's the Jihoon from my work, I forgot I got his number to help him with the layout of the steps in the choreo I'm teaching everyone. He seemed to extremely struggle so I decided to help him by texting him an easier way to practice the moves.

I decided I'd text him after a shower since the water has been running for quite a while now and I'm still in my clothes. I left the phone on the side of a sink before I got under the shower.


Let's get this bread guys, watch me ruin thier relationship once again and then glue it back together as if nothing ever happe- I me a what?

I am a good child. You guys have nothing on me 😈😈😂😂😂😅😅


Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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