Chapter 17|| Unpacking

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|Jimin's Pov|

Me, Alex and Jungkook got to the apartment where Alex's first destination was the kitchen to make some food for all of us. It would normally be me cooking but since Alex has no way of communicating with Jungkook it would naturally be better if I showed him around anyway. "So, you're going to be staying in the guest room for the time being and I guess you should get comfortable and also try picking up on some English." I said slowly making the sentence out in my brain.

"Wouldn't it be easier if I stayed in your room though?" He asked being reasonable yet somewhat upset that he's not going to be sharing a room with me. I smiled realising his badly hidden emotion and replied:

"You're right, it would, but- my bed is too small to fit us in and it would be rude to tell you to sleep on the couch or floor. So, you have the guest room." I explained and that seemed to make Jungkook understand. Without further hustle I showed him to 'his room' and then around the rest of the apartment. It didn't take long since it was just a medium sized apartment but it was still worth telling him where the bathroom is and such.

Afterwards I helped him unpack his belongings until I remembered I brung food for Alex. I got up while telling Jungkook that I'll be back after I hand Alex his Korean food. I want to my room where I left my suitcase from which I got out a bag full of Korean food. Walking down to the kitchen I found Alex who was preparing some kind of meal. "Hey, I forgot to give you the Korean food you asked me to buy for you." I said setting the bag on the counter.

"Wow, you actually bought some! Thank you! I'll be sure to eat then all." He said just as if he was six and I have him a bag full of sweets.

"Calm down, it's just food." I said chuckling to myself. "Anyhow, I'm gonna go back to Jungkook." I added and as I exited the kitchen I saw Alex wiggling his eyebrows at me and I just rolled my eyes. Honestly, does he always have to use the dirty side of his brain?

I turned around and walked down the hallway back to Jungkook who I found rolling around on the bed, while the suitcase was still quite full, so I sat down in front of it and continued to unpack Jungkooks stuff while facing him. Even though this should be the other way around..

"I see you're bored then." I commented looking up at him.

"Yep, believe it or not but unpacking is much more boring than packing." He said while fiddling with his phone.

"Well, did you ever consider that if there's more than one person unpacking a suitcase it'll take faster?" I said hoping that he'll get the idea that I'm not going to be doing this by myself and I wan him to drag his ass over here and help me. I was happy to see that a second after I said that Jungkook got up from the bed and sat down next to me and helped me unpack HIS things. Not longer than about ten minutes later we finished and I sighed happy that everything is neatly put away. "See, I told you it's faster." I said with a happy smile towards Jungkook.

"Then, since this is all done I think this is the perfect time to-" Jungkook begun while shoving the suitcase under the bed while I stood next to him curiously listening to what he has to say, he stood up from the floor and looked at me with a mischievious smile. "-attack you with hugs!" He finished and without any warning Jungkook practically threw himself at me making me fall backwards on the bed. His arms were wrapped around my body while his head was hid in the crook of my neck. Since I was taken by surprise I didn't say anything until Jungkook himself spoke up. "You know, I'll never get tired of things like this." He mumbled.

"Me either, but honestly. I want food, so can you please get up? We need to eat after all.." I said, gently rubbing the youngers back who at some point got up from me.

"Fine.." He mumbled seemingly not happy. I also got up and with a smile I walked to the kitchen hoping that the food is ready, while Jungkook quietly followed behind.

"Alex~" I begun as I turned the corner to the kitchen. "Is the food ready yet~?" I asked in a child-like manner which was even obvious to Jungkook.

"It'll be ready in just a minute. Just sit down and I'll give you guys the food." He replied not looking at us, looking like he was too busy making food than talking to us.

I gestured for Jungkook to sit down with me at the kitchen table and while waiting I put my head down on the table from the hunger I we feeling. Fortunately as Alex said before the food was ready about a minute later and soon I was met with Sphaghetti Bolognese.

One thing that I was curious about was how is Jungkook going to aproach eating the pasta with a fork. Both me and Alex looked at how Jungkook was somehow struggling to keep the pasta on the fork and honestly, it was the cutest thing ever. I couldn't help but chuckle, Alex also tried as hard as possible to hold in his laughter.

"Would you like some help?" I asked Jungkook and he looked up at me, then at his food and once again at me. He nodded his head and I shuffled over to him to show him how to properly eat sphaghetti with a fork. "I'll buy some chopsticks for you another time, for now you'll have to get used to eating everything with a fork and a spoon." I said after I helped him.

"Alright. Thanks." He replied while eating a bit more successfully.

Tomorrow I'm officially going back to school, honestly I don't even want to know how much of the topic I have missed.

Guess I'll find out one way or another.


I know it again took me a while to update and I know this chapter is trash but things will start happening soon.

Hope you have a great day/night wherever you are!


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