Chapter 43|| Trip

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|Jungkook's POV|

The delicate rays of sun caressed my face as my eyes fluttered open. Instantly smiling I turned around to find Jimin soundly sleeping next to me with his hand resting on my waist.

With the tip of my thumb I brushed against Jimins blood swollen lip that have been caused by me biting it too much, slowly trailing down my eyes landed on his neck that I left with a lot of hickeys, I still remember his quiet moans as I left each one of them on his skin, it was the same for his collarbone.

My mind couldn't help but wonder back to last night when Jimin would plead me for more. In all honesty this was the first time we spent the night together as full grown adults. It's so much better than when we were seventeen. Jimins body changed as well, he still is skinny like back then but this time there are much more muscles visible to the eye and I couldn't lie, it made me even more attracted to him.

I was so deep in thought I didn't realise when Jimin woke up.

"You're a little excited down there.. did you stare at my sexy body for too long?" Jimin spoke with a hoarse voice especially from last night and god was it giving him extra hotness. I realised my little problem and scooted away from him embaressed a little.

Jimin chuckled as he reached over to throw him arm around me and rest his head on my chest.

"Last night was wonderful, Kookie." He whispered locking his eyes with mine. "But I must say I'm a bit in pain now.." He chuckled once more.

"I told you to tell me if I was too rough though." I sighed rubbing my eyes regretting for going harsh on him.

"It's fine, I like it rough." He commented. "Don't you remember the first time we spent the night together when we both weren't exactly sober and how I managed to scratch up your back?" He asked making me raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah?.." I signalysed for him to continue.

"Just shows how kinky I am doesn't it?" He smirked and I wanted to run away from this unusual conversation.

"You need Namjesus."

"Says the one who got excited by just stating at me."

"You're so annoying!"

A couple of months passed. Me and Jimin were going strong, not letting our relationship to get damaged by anything or anyone. We went on frequent dates, we spent time together fooling around at home and of course we had time to ourselves as well but we tried to make sure that the love between us is the strongest it ever had been.

It was soon summer and I thought that me and Jimin needed some time away from work. I was saving up money for a while now (which didn't take long as I am basically rich now). I always knew Jimin wanted to go to Japan so I contacted Sunmi about it  to see wether it's a good idea and I also suggested that she and her wife should join us. We decided to share the costs even though I was insisting on paying for everything but in the end I accepted to pay 75%. I booked a hotel and also planned a list of activities with Sunmi before looking up plane tickets and buying two for me and Jimin while Sunmi decided to buy her own.

I waited for the day when Jimin will have a day off and that's when I printed off the tickets. The best time to tell him about this would be at dinner, so waiting until it's dinner time I practiced a good way of telling him about this whole planned holiday.

Snapping back to reality by Jimin calling me for dinner I hid the tickets in my pocket and went downstairs to sit at the table as Jimin served Kimchi Egg Fried Rice. I wanted to get to the topic of holidays smoothly so I came up with a topic to then come onto the tickets.

"You seem pretty tired nowadays, is the work hard?" I asked, chewing on some kimchi. Jimin took a second to think about an answer before shaking his head.

"No.. well, maybe sometimes." He answered. "What about you? You always work 'til late, aren't you tired?"

"Not really, I got used to working like that." Was my response which Jimin nodded to. "Are you struggling? Or do you just need a bigger break?"

"I just need a bit more break, some people that I have to work with are so difficult to get along with and it's just annoying.." He explained sighing. This is my oppertunity.

"About having a break.. I was talking with Sunmi a while ago and we came up with this idea.." I begun reaching to my pocket. Jimin raised his eyebrows and before I could say anything more he stood up from his seat.

"Is Sunmi visiting us?!" I smiled shaking my head which made Jimin a bit confused.

"No.. You see I thought it would be a good idea to go on holiday, with Sunmi and her wife." I said putting the tickets on the table which Jimin took to read the destination. His eyes lit up with excitement like a child's.

"Japan?.. Jungkook, is this for real?" He asked looking at me not believing what he's seeing and I nodded with a happy smile. "Oh my God this is.. this is.. I don't even know! But wait.. the flight is in two weeks? So early?" Jimin looked up at me and I shrugged my shoulders constantly smiling.

"The sooner, the better. Right?" Was my comment and Jimin laughed as happiness filled him.

"Oh my God.." His jaw suddenly fell open as he seemed to realise something. Raising my eyebrow I hoped the guy would explain what's up.

"I just realised.." He continued placing his hand on his forehead. "I'm gonna meet Sunmi's wife.."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing at his terrified facial expression.


So many updates this week, I bet you all feel blessed. Jk 😂😂

Also, this idea of Jikook going to Japan is from AnniesJams who came up with this idea a while ago when I asked you guys for help so the credit goes to them for that 😊


Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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