Chapter 16|| Flight

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|Jimin's Pov|

Today me and Jungkook were to fly to America. Taehyung and Hoseok took us to the airport to see us off as the others were simply too busy to, and they all said they were really sorry, but me and Jungkook weren't angry at them.

I mean, we all have our own life and business to attend to. When we got on the plane and sat down in our seats I realised that Jungkook seemed a bit uncomfortable. "You alright?" I asked looking at him a bit worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He nodded. "It's my first time being on a plane, so naturally, I'm feeling quite uneasy." He added and I felt much more at ease when he said that. I smiled at him and grabbed his stressed hand to comfort him.

"It's okay, the plain isn't going to crash or anything." I said reassuringly but I knew that there were people who would've said I just jinxed it.

"Alright." Jungkook said also slightly smiling which convinced me that somehow I managed to calm him down at least a little.

Throughout the flight I started to get more tired by each second, especially whenever I looked out the window to look at the clouds we were above of. I couldn't help but feel the need of going to sleep. So, I leaned my head against Jungkook's shoulder and slowly closed my eyes, not so long after I felt his arm sneak around my waist to help him keep me close which the thought of obviously made me smile like a kid looking at sweets.

I think I really didn't realise how tired I was because not so long after, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

At some point I heard some muffled noises, and slight nudges, yet that still wouldn't be enough for me to come back to my senses, but as those noises and nudges were consinstant I slowly begun to try and make sense out of them. "Jimin-ah.." The voice was quite quiet and really comforting so not surprising that I couldn't understand it or hear it before. "Jimin-ah wake up.." I felt a slight nudge again but this time it was more obvious than before. Do I really have to? "God, I forgot how much work this baby really was.." Is that Jungkook talking about me? As I came back to all of my senses I was 99% sure that it was Jungkook who was trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes and almost instantly yawn as I removed my head from his shoulder. "Oh, you're awake, finally." He said as he observed me stretch my arms out.

"Yeah.. Why did you had to wake me up?" I asked turning to look at him.

"Because in about twenty minutes we'll be landing in LA."

"Oh.." I trailed of, now having a perfect understanding as to why it was so important for him to wake me up. "Wait, I slept for the whole flight?" I asked feeling shocked as well as embaressed.

"Well, yeah. It seems like it." Jungkook laughed at my reaction and now I really did felt embaressed. "God, you're blushing again! Do I have some wierd power to make you blush every five minutes?" I rolled my eyes at Jungkook's stupid jokes or whatever and just sat straight facing the window not wanting to give up to Jungkook so easily. "Oi, I was just kidding around, don't get upset." He said yet he was still laughing about this whole situation. "Jiminie, come on, don't be mad." He added but I ignored him. "Wah, Jiminie~!" In a matter of seconds I felt his chin on my shoulder and I could just about see his 'sad' expression in the corner of my eye.

"Go away, you bully." I mumbled and I knew Jungkook was about to laugh at it so I lightly elbowed him in the stomach but Jungkook instantly took his ching off my shoulder and yelped in pain which made me turn to face him, scared that I actually hurt him. "Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked in a panic. "I'm sorry, I really didn't meant to hurt you, I was just trying to stop you from laughing at me and- and-" And then Jungkook started to laugh again. 

Oh you piece of garbage..

I furrowed my eyebrows realising he was just being stupid again. My shoulders dropped unamused at Jungkook's childlish behaviour so I guess I just had the typical meme face: are-you-fucking-kidding-me. "You are the most annoying human being I've ever met before." I stated not being really wrong about it.

"Maybe so.." Jungkook said as he was trying to calm down. "But let's not forget that you chose to chase after that annoying human being all the way from America to Korea."

"Well, just shows how much I must love that person, doesn't it?" I said this time playing along.

Just as Jungkook said, about twenty minutes later me and him got off the plane, it was already night-time so I was hoping to find Alex quickly and go to our apartment where Alex said he prepared a guest room for Jungkook. Even though I wouldn't mind if Jungkook stayed in my room with me.. But I guess my bed is too small to fit both of us in. 

It didn't take me long to see Alex in the crowd so I grabbed a hold of Jungkook's hand and pulled him through the crowd towards Alex who soon also saw me and smiled. "Alex!" I said happy to see my best friend who I immidietly hugged as a hello.

"It's been some time, hasn't it?" He said also with a smile. When I backed away from hugging him his eyes drifted to Jungkook who seemed confused with what Alex said. "Should I try introducing myself to him in Korean?" He asked and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"But you suck at pronoucing Korean." I said as an arguement.

"So? I bet he'll get what I'm trying to say." 

"Uh, well... Okay. But if somehow you manage to say something offensive I'm not helping you out in this.." I said taking a step back to emphisise that the guy is on his own. He turned to look at Jungkook who was busy looking around while me and Alex were speaking.

"Uhm.. Hello, my name is Alex.. Nice to meet you." Honestly, I was surprised by how Alex has not made a single mistake, because before when I tried to teach him speak Korean he'd make stupid but sometimes quite serious mistakes. Has he practiced or something? Jungkook looked at Alex and then at me and then again at Alex.

"Hello I'm Jungkook. It's nice to meet you too." He replied and I guessed I didn't have to translate anything to Alex as Jungkook pretty much said the same thing as him.

"So now that you know him can we go home? I'm hungry.." I said turning to look at Alex who had a tired smile on as if he already has enough of me.

"Of course you're hungry.. You always are." He said as he turned around to head to the exit.

"Huh? That's not true! I don't eat that much compared to my friend Seokjin!" I said puffing my cheeks out as me and Jungkook followed.

"Yeah sure, anyway, you should entertain your boyfriend." He said and I just puffed out my cheeks even more (if that's even possible). Honestly though, I've missed him, even if I was gone for a month and a bit.



Bet you didn't expect an update so soon ;)

Well, I'm feeling rather creative at the moment so I'm writing whenever I have the time to ^^

Hope you have a great day/night wherever you are!


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