Chapter 7|| Meeting

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|Jungkook's Pov|

"Yes." I said quietly. "That's exactly why." I ended.

Jimin gulped and stood there, silent and in thought. I wanted to say something but I threw away the thought and just stayed silent waiting for Jimins actions.

After a few seconds he looked up at me and said: "Why won't you say you still love me already?" He asked, determination shown in his eyes. "I know you still do. Just please, come back to me.." He added.

"No. I won't do that." I stated. "I'm not going to just going to throw everything I've worked for, for so long after you've messed with my life and left me to myself! This isn't a child's story!" I said but regreted it the second I said that as I saw how much I hurt Jimin by my words. His eyes started to build up with tears, God how I hate to see him cry.

" Ji-Jimin, sorry I-" I reached out my hand to apologise but Jimin slapped it away. My eyes widened in surprise as I noticed how the tears in his eyes streamed down his cheeks.

"Don't bother anymore.." He said in a hurt, shaky voice.

My heart is hurting..

"I think you've said enough.." He added. "I'm going home.." He turned around and his his hands in his pockets while walking down the front garden in a sulking manner.

Now I'm the one who fucked up..


I came back home mentally and emotionally tired of this night and just wanted to relax, to help me so that I decided to take a bath. When I got everything ready in the bathroom I started to work out everything in my mind.

I never have stopped loving Jimin, have I?

Of course not. The moment I saw him in that shop I knew ny heart has not given him up yet.

Then what about Taeyoon?

She's cute and all, sure. But do I really have such strong feelings like I thought I had? Maybe.. I'm not certain.

Yet there is the big question:
Am I ready to go back to Jimin and leave Taeyoon?

I didn't know what to choose. I think everyone expects me to leave Taeyoon and get with Jimin but he still lives in America, and I don't know if he'd want to stay here as well as I can't move to America since I have took over my dad's company.

I sighed confused with myself and got out of the bath seeing how the water has made my skin all wrinkly.

I know I owe Jimin an apology but I don't think he'll want to talk to me for now. I should just give him some space..


A week has passed and now it's officially a week I until I get married to Taeyoon. It seems she isn't mad at me anymore but I know that somewhere in her mind she still doubts my love for her.

Now Jimin on the other hand.. we haven't spoke yet.. I know I should but I don't know how to talk to him. So, instead I called Seokjin and asked him to help me out in this situation. Thankfully he agreed under one condition: I have to be completely honest to Jimin when we meet.

Yes, I have decided to meet up with him without him knowing it's going to be me. Instead he'll be thinking it's going to be Jin. I decided to meet him in the town square and take it from there. Seokjin called Jimin about it and shortly after called me back to tell me that Jimin agreed and I thanked the elder.

Right now, I'm standing next to the fountain waiting to see Jimins light orange hair show up in the crowd. He's small but surely his unatural hair will be easy to find, so I don't have to worry about that.

The moment I saw him show up my heart sped up and my feet started to move to him on my own. In a matter of seconds me and Jimin atood few meters away staring at each other.

When I realised Jimin was ready to turn around and walk away my hand stopped him by grabbing hold of his wrist. "Jimin.. let's talk.. please.." I asked and he stopped trying to free himself from me but didn't turn to look at me.

"Why?.. you made it pretty clear to me you don't exactly like me anymore. Why should I 'mess with your life and leave you to yourself'?" He said quoting what I had said a week's night's ago. I sighed quietly and gently pulled the guy in for a hug.

"Jimin, I'm so sorry for what I had said to you that night..." I apologized with a gentle tone while the guy just stood there not returning the embrace. "I want to talk things out with you and be honest to you for once. Just give me a bit of your time and I promise you won't regret it. And if you do then you have all the right to not coming to my wedding of you don't feel like it." I added after pulling away hoping Jimin won't escape anymore.

Jimin sighed before looking up at me. "Alright.." I smiled when I heard him agree.

"Lets go somewhere else to talk then. I don't really want to talk here. Is that fine with you?" I asked and Jimin nodded.

And so we started to walk in a quite awkward silence..


Alright so yesterday when I was halfway through typing this chapter I did not know what to write so today I made myself some hot chocolate and sat down thinking of something to write about and here it is!

I didn't hit 1000 words like I'd usually try to but it's close enough. Hope you enjoyed it since I honestly think halfway through the chapter it's a bit boring 😅


Have a lovely day/night wherever you are!


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