Chapter 32|| Eomma

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|Jimin's POV|

I was in a bus on my way to my mother's house, listening to music, wondering how to put my thoughts into words when I'll see her. I was still afraid of what she'll say to me when I'll tell her I dropped out of school, what's worse I'm scared to tell her I was starving myself.

The bust came to a stop and it was time for me to get off and meet my mom who I assumed was home. The closer I got the bigger my anxiety was growing, it feels exactly like the first time I came back but worse. My hand reached up to the doorbell and gently pressed it, the door almost instantly opened revealing my mother who was surprised to see me; I don't blame her. "Jimin, what are you doing here? Did something happen?" I was afraid of those questions but I couldn't escape them. My smile faded into a sad one as my eyes met my shoes.

"Can I come inside first, eomma?" I asked politely and the woman shuffled behind the door to let me in and then close it behind me. We walked into the living room where I sat down on the characteristic couch.

"Would you like some green tea with honey?" She asked and I nodded with a smile before she disappeared into the kitchen for a short while. When she got back I straightened my back and got ready to explain everything that has occurred. "Did something happen between you and Jungkook?" She asked another question. I didn't want her to ask so many questions but I appreciated the fact that she is just worried about me.

"Eomma.." I begun taking a deep breath in. "I dropped out of University."

"What?" She asked obviously in disbelief. "Why? Do you remember how much that costed me?"

"Eomma, I know but I dropped out because I had no other choice." I said quickly before she could continue and eventually get angry at me.

"What do you mean? Was it because of Jungkook?" I hated how the first thing at thought of was Jungkook. I guess she still doesn't like the thought of me and Jungkook together, but at least she's trying to accept it.

"No, eomma. I.. I couldn't deal with the stress anymore.. it was too much." I said finally getting my mom to be quiet. "I really tried my best to chatch up and do good for you.. I went to the extreme.. to the point where Sunmi was involved.."

"Sunmi?.. What happened, Jimin."

"I begun starving myself... I didn't sleep.. I'm sorry I didn't make it. I tried my best, I wanted to make you happy.. but now the money just was a loss." I explained feeling how teary I was getting. "Actually.." I begun once more. "If it wasn't for Jungkook, it all could've ended badly.." I looked at my mom who now was feeling remorseful but I felt like I should be the one who should be remorseful. "If he didn't call for Sunmi or try to reach out to me- I could've done something even more stupid.." 

"Oh my god, Jiminie.." My mother begun to tear up as she came up to me and hugged me, not expecting that anything like that would happen to me. I rubbed her back with one of my hands smiling even though I myself thought I was going to start crying any minute.

"It's okay now, eomma.. I'm alright." I assured my mother as I could hear her quiet sobs.

"God, I'm going to have to thank both Sunmi and Jungkook. I'm glad they both look out for you do much, I know how stubborn you can be.. I just wish I could be a better mother and help you out in times like that.." My mother spoke as she begun rubbing the tears away from her eyes and try to calm down. "So, does that mean you're moving back in here?" She questioned, getting up from the floor to sit down next to me.

"No, I'm going to live with Jungkook now." I corrected her and she just nodded her head.

"Does his dead approve of this?"

"I don't know, but as far as I know, I don't think he'll mind. It is Jungkooks house after all." I explained and an akward silence fell upon us.

"You got any plans, since you're back in Korea?" She asked breaking the silence.

"Yes, I want to find a somewhat good job as fast as possible to help out pay for rent. Jungkook didn't like that idea but I'm going to do it anyway." I said feeling much better than I did about five minutes ago.

"Okay, if you need any help for a job I can ask some of my friends if they know a place where you can work." My mother suggested and I smiled at her in appreciation.

"Thank you, eomma. I'll make sure to call you if I'll have trouble then." I replied which my the woman smile back at me. I spent another two or three hours with my mother, not nececerrily talking about anything but just enjoying the time a get to spend together until I decided to head back home to search for a job as soon as possible.

When I got back I realised that Jungkook was still out. Those guys seriously won't let me live tomorrow, if they keep Jungkook for that long I can only expect tons of texts from them anytime soon.

Walking to the bedroom I say in front of my laptop and begun searching for jobs in Seoul. I wasn't surprised when tons of jobs like handing out flyers came up and such, but I wasn't going to get one of those, I had some good education so there has to be something up to my level up there.

I'm just going to have to search harder.


The ending isn't exactly important but I have to have at least 1,000 words in each chapter hihi

I hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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