Chapter 22|| Helplessnes

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|Jungkook's POV|

Each day I slowly watched as Jimin is ruining his body and mental health by locking himself in his room for hours just to study, he wouldn't speak to anyone, he wouldn't sleep but what's worse he wouldn't eat. And out of all people I couldn't do anything about this. He would just keep on brushing it off and then picking himself in his room until he had to leave to uni. I hated the fact that I was so useless at a time like this.

So he left me with no choice, I just had to wait until he gives me a chance to talk to him properly. I might not be exactly nice to him about this but I'm not giving up.

I patiently waited in the living room for Jimin to arrive. Recently he would come home later and later, so I was suspecting he'd be back home at around 2:30AM which looked like I wasn't wrong as around that time I heard the front door open followed by soft shuffling which could suggest that Jimin was in the middle of taking off his shoes. He must've realised that I was awake (or at least someome) and soon walked into the living room to meet my eyes.

"Why aren't you asleep?" He asked with a worn out face. I furrowed my eyebrows in worry taking some time to work out what I'm going to say. I decided to play the more dangerous game.

"Why aren't you taking care of yourself?" It took Jimin by surprise as his eyes widened.

"What do you mean? I do take care of myself.." He trailed off and it was pretty obvious that he wasn't confident about this.

"Yeah?" I got up from the couch, walking up to him. "Look at yourself, you're nearly just skin and bones!" I said pointing at his hands which looked close to a dead person's. It made me want to cry and puke at the same time. Jimin instantly his his hands in his pockets.

"They look fine to me.."

"Fine?... Fine?!" I couldn't believe what was happening right now.. is he that oblivious that has causing harm for himself? "Jimin, you are killing yourself! If you keep up this unhealthy routine of yours, then you'll end up killing yourself!" I nearly screamed the words out as all this frustration and worry suddenly begun flowing out of my body and out on Jimin who now looks even smaller than he ever did. Yet even that didn't seem to have much effect on the guy who just stood there motionless. I called myself down as I reached out to hold his small hand in mine.

It felt dead.

Just bones, nothing more except for the skin that was covering it. His veins were so visible I thought that they soon will tear through his thin skin. I gulped down my saliva, bit the inside of my cheek and looked up at Jimin who was looking anywhere but not at me. "You need to realise you're not only hurting yourself but others as well.. And I can't stand the fact that I-"

"I'm sorry.. But this is my own business.." He cut me off slipping his hand easily from mine wanting to walk away but I couldn't let this go. Not again, and again.. I hoped that I would still manage to catch his hand in mine and pull him into a back hug. When I did, I was so scared that I was going to break his think bones my hands shook uncontroallably. Tears begun spilling from my eyes and soon quiet tears turned into hysterical sobs and gasps for air as I felt completly useless and frustrated and sad and god knows what! I just couldn't bare looking at him slowly killing himself away..

"Please talk to me about this.. please don't do this to me, please care for yourself, please just trust me..." I pleaded hoping that some of those words would geniuenly change some of Jimins unhealthy mindset, yet I felt like even now, nothing would work.. I'm just too afraid of loosing him. I can't afford to go through another heartache.. 

Just as I thought my words persuaded him he reached to my arms and without any effort he threw them off of him, turning to face me instead. "I'm sorry..." He said with teary eyes and left. This time, I didn't stop him..

I threw myself angrily at my bed beating one of the pillows until I finally got all my frustration, anger, sadness and tears out on it. I needed time to react to all of this, I'm quite sure that right now Jimin is not even close to thinking of going to sleep, he's too deep into that route, and I don't even know what is pushing him so hard like this. Alex tried countless times to stop him from it like me, but we're both useless. I walked to the bathroom to wash my red puffy face but I ended up just staring into the mirror. I lost myself in this pityful sight of myself but snapped back to reality the moment my phone rang inside my pocket. I looked at the screen to see who it was. 

"Sunmi.." That's when I knew I found another solution to this situation. Never in my life have I answered a call like this in my life. "Sunmi?"

"Hello? Jungkook-ah? Hey, I'm sorry for calling so late but I haven't been able to reach Jimin for quite some time and-"

"Sunmi I need your help, Jimin is not in a good state at all."

She's my last string of hope..


The queen is back to bring this shit together again! 

Let her fix this mess once again.

Hope you have a great day/night wherever you are!


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