Chapter 17: The Hide

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Because you are women, people will force their thinking on you, their boundaries on you. They will tell you how to dress, how to behave, who you can meet and where you can go. Don't live in the shadows of people's judgement. Make your own choices in the light of your own wisdom.

-Amitabh Bachchan


EMMA FROST WAS A WOMAN WHO ASKED A LOT OF QUESTIONS AND GAVE LITTLE ANSWERS. She told Edith she knew about her powers and that, as a telepath, she felt all he potential and wanted to meet her. Edith looked at Emma like she was a foreign object, like something she didn't understand. The tall woman, not much older than her, proved to be a complicated riddle as she told Edith just what a marvelous creature the teen was.

Edith heard the word 'homo superior' for the first time. But remembering it wasn't an option.

"We'll meet again." Emma said with a mysterious voice and Edith found herself wondering why she was standing by the door. She couldn't remember Emma or anything they talked about.

It took less than two days for the whole high school to find out about Chance Black's and Edith Duncan's breakup. It seemed like shocking news, the hottest couple, almost soulmates. After two years of being together through thick and thin, it seemed that not even college would see them part ways. The quarterback made sure to spread around that he had dumped the cheerleader. Edith didn't even bother to deny it, though her annoyance was hard to hide as whispers followed her. Running away from rumours didn't seem to be working for her.

Chance admited to cheating on Edith with Sally on Tuesday, and by Wednesday, the two were already going out and kissing in the hallways with obnoxiously loud sounds. The blonde felt humiliated, like she had been living a lie. It was frustrating and embarrassing but she wasn't jealous. Edith cared because it was normal for her to do so. Her only boyfriend chested on her repeatedly with one of her teammates. Edith's popularity didn't really frail, and if it didn't, she didn't notice. She felt more relieved than she'd like to admit, no more handling Chance. No more dealing with drunk Chance. That was Sally's job now, and she seemed enchanted to be the one to do it.

"Are you okay?" Reid whispered quietly, earning a confused glance from Edith. The movie playing in the background was confusing as the blonde failed to understand any of the words the actors were saying. As good as she was in science, Edith sucked in Spanish "My little sister is really inconsiderate. I-I just felt like you should know, that I'm sorry, I mean."

If the shy male before her had any confidence when he started talking, it quickly banished as more words came from his mouth. Edith chuckled with an amused glint in her eyes.

"It's okay, really. I'm okay. What about you?" she politely asked.

Reid blushed, avoiding the blonde's gaze.

"Sally doesn't care what Chance says or does to me." he whispered and Edith felt really bad for him. The male pushed his glasses up "I-I hope you don't think badly of me because of her."

His stutter seemed to take away any boldness his statement might have held. It was cute and Edith quickly answered.

"I don't. Sally's an idiot. Chance's an idiot. I don't care what they think or what they do anymore." a shush from Nick Stewart made Edith speak in a more hushed tone "I'm sorry too. If you felt like I disliked you. You don't deserve that."

Reid quickly shook his head, clearly not thinking himself worthy of her apology.

"I'm the one who's sorry. I know how important your popularity is to you." Reid made eye contact for the first time, though the blush in his cheeks deepened "Talking to me mustn't be good."

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