The First Scan.

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A/N: I haven't wrote a note on my chapters in a while now really, but I thought I needed one now. I just wanted to say, thanks for the reads on the votes, keep it coming! ;) I also wanted to say sorry for leaving the upload so late, but I've been up to my eyes in homework this past week! And this, the story will be ending soon, sorry guys! There's only 3 or 4 more chapters i'm going to do then, that's it, no more ICNFY, but I might be writing a Liam one soon though, but not sure:P I've dedicated this story to my friend Beth (vanillasponge) (go fan her she has just started writing a Louis fanfic!) for making me a new book cover, thankss duddeee! 

Thanks again.

All the love in the world;

lucy xxx

Niall's P.O.V:

I noticed something was up with Lilly as we layed together in the small child's bed. We were joking and laughing, then suddenly something came over her, like she had just remembered some tragic event that had been missed out along the road somewhere. I clutched her cheek so she was facing me, and asked her why she looked so sad. I watched as she tucked part of her hair behind her ear, she took a deep breath before looking me in the eyes and saying the simple words of:

'Niall, I'm pregnant.'

She avoided eye contact seconds after, not wanting to see my expression my face would hold. Millions of things ran round my brain as she said that, it was like she had read my mind, like this would be the perfect way to fix the problem. Lilly looked a little taken aback though as I pulled her into my shoulder, and stroked her hair.

"This is perfect." I whispered into her ear. I heard a sigh of relief come from Lilly as I said those words. Did she think I didn't want her to be pregnant?

She hugged me tighter as I fell into a world of questions on how Lilly must be feeling. Now I come to think about it, how must she be feeling? She's never really been the one to want kids right away, in fact shes never seemed that bothered. She once told me that they do nothing but tie you down for 16 years, and reduce peoples sex life's. I began to wonder weather Lilly actually wants this baby at all, maybe that's why she told me, so we could discus this, shes probably scared and worried that her young life is going to be over so soon if she goes through with being a Mum.

I pulled her away from me so I was looking her in the eyes.

"Do you want this baby Lil?" I asked her, however blunt or unconcerned it sounded I had to know the truth, I couldn't let her go through with something life changing all for me, she had to come first. Her face was full of confusion as she stroked my thumb.

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" She smiled softly to me, kind of like that half smile you do when your sad, or concerned for someone.

"Its just you've never been the keenest to have a baby. In fact you've always told me they tie people down way to soon."

She laughed a little, and shook her head slowly before replying.

"Yeah, I did say that and its true. Its just, this just feels right, having a family with you. I've seen the world with you and the boys, and that's all I really wanted from life. I've had so many adventures with my career, and I've had so many new experiences from yours, experiences not many people get the opportunity to say they have done. It's not that I want to give up dancing, I don't, I'll be back out there soon enough, don't worry! It's just I can't help but smile thinking in the future our little boy will be waking us up at 5am on Christmas day, or watching our little girl go to big school. I want this as an adventure, I want a hint of reality, I want what normal people have, and better."

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