Getting News From Liz.

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Lilly's P.O.V:

I heard the same bleeping noise coming from across my bedroom, signaling me to get up. I didn't feel like it at all but I had to go to college some time.

Even though Niall had texted me the other night, nothing felt right. I just need to get out, I thought it myself, to go back to the way things were, maybe if I try to forget I might actually feel a little better? With that thought still in mind I took a quick shower,dried my hair, applied makeup,picked out an outfit and walked outside the door. It was a fairly warm morning to say it was 8oclock in October. I got in my car to drive to the same old college where I study dance. Its quite a simple college but the people who walk through those doors and wow you everyday is unbelievable, there all so talented, I don't even know how I got in. I met my friend Liz as I arrived there, and she greeted me with a hug. She seemed pretty happy to see me, I think its because Danielle's been away to go preform in the X Factor, there practically like sisters, they do everything together.

So today was just a usual day at college practising and learning routines, same old same old really. By the time I had finished going over all my routines it was lunch and me and Liz met up at the hall once again. We ate in silence until Liz thought it was time to break it.

"So you and Niall okay?" She asked putting on a weak smile.

"Yeah, I guess so, we've just been away for ages, you know?" I replied trying my hardest to put on a smile myself.

"Ahh, good.. But I thought you was with Harry now?" She said a little confused. As soon as she said that I froze in my seat, I glared at her in complete shock, my mouth as dry as a rock. I cleared my throat and then thought it was time to say something.

"NO! Where the hell have you heard that?!" I said trying not to shout it to loud.

"Oh, haven't you heard? Apparently when he kissed you he took a photo without you knowing, then it got leaked and its all over twitter..." Liz said as normal as she could as she knew this was big news for me.

"WHAT? HOW? WHO?.... Ahh I can't be doing with this anymore!" I quietly shouted back before getting up, storming out the college and driving, driving away. I was confused and upset, my immediate thoughts were that Niall knew and that was why he wasn't replying, oh my god, my life's screwed. Then I was angry more than anything so I whipped my phone out and quickly pressed 'call Harry Styles' on my blackberry. After a few rings an innocent voice answered that made me calm down a little bit.

"Harry?" I half screamed down the phone.

"Yeah, Lilly whats up?" He asked confused.

"Whats up? Whats up? Well I've just found out that you took a photo of us when you kissed me and now its been leaked to the whole world and you ask me 'Whats up?'" I screamed a little more angrily than I should of.

"Really?! Oh my god Lilly i'm so so sorry! Yeah I took the photo but I didn't mean for it to go on the internet, and if Niall asks i'll tell him the truth, so he doesn't fall out with you, it will be fine Lilly, trust me." He answered way more calmly than I had expected, well I was glad somebody was.

"Okay, thanks,bye." I said quickly before hanging up.

I felt as if a sudden weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I felt much better knowing Niall hadn't said anything and hearing Harry be so calm was enough to calm me down as well.

I didn't feel like going back to college now, I checked the time, 2:30, well I would have only had to go back over that routine now and that would be it, so I decide to stay behind longer tomorrow instead. Right now I just wanted to go home, have a bath and ignore the world.

When I got in my nice hot bubble bath I brought my phone in with me to just check my twitter and tumblr. As soon as I opened up my mentions on twitter there was thousands of girls calling me a 'whore' 'bitch' 'slut' 'slag' etc, each one with a link with a photo of me and Harry kissing. Even though the boys had only been in the X Factor for nearly a month now they sure did have allot of fans caring about them. As I read the tweets, one by one I felt more and more upset and confused. Upset for having to deal with this on twitter never mind having to deal with it with just Harry, and confused because of all the hate I was getting, like each person knew what happened, when they really don't have a clue. I closed my twitter then and turned my phone off, wanting to forget everything but could not, Niall and Harry kept springing to my mind and they wouldn't leave, no matter how hard I tried.

Niall's P.O.V:

Today was the worst, I found out Lilly had been cheating on me with one of my band mates, great, nice to know I can trust people around here. As soon as I found out I charged into Harry's room and slapped him round the face before screaming out what he had done. He didn't seem surprised at all when I had settled down and told him how I knew, it was as if he had lived the situation before. After I had said my part he then explained what happened, how he had tried to kiss her but she pulled away and screamed at him to get out. I noticed when Harry was telling me the story his head looked towards the ground, and the further he got into the story the more shaky he became around me, as if he thought I was going to hit him again.

Still now, for some reason I still can't believe the excuse Harry told me, but I guess I have to for mine and Lilly's sake. Suddenly I thought how she must be feeling at this point in time, I bet she feels horrible, upset, I bet she thinks i've fell out with her. Just thinking about it makes me want to run back to Doncaster to see her again. I want to ring her but then I remember we was having an interview in just under 2 minutes so I send her a quick message instead.

Niall: Don't worry babe, Harry's told me what happens and I believe him, I knew you would never do that. Text soon, wish you were

Then I got one back almost instantly, I was glad, so I was able to read it before I go on stage.

Lilly: I'm glad to hear it, so we all good? Hope your having a nice time, been voting ;) xxx

I smiled at the text before being rushed out and onto a big stage, ready to be interviewed.

The interview went well, a few laughs and jokes were made, it was all good until he asked about our relationships. Louis started off by saying he was still seeing a girl called Beth, Zayn told him he was single, Liam told him he was seeing Danielle, then when it got round to Harry he said single and the whole crowd gasped, and even more when I said I was going out with Lilly. Even the people back stage looked confused at me and Harry, but we shrugged it off and continued with the interview. 

I can't help but think me and Lilly need abit of space for a while, I just think things are getting too much for me having a girlfriend and going through the X Factor journey. I don't know, at least were away from each other, I will just enjoy this adventure just as much as I normally would, as best as I possibly can.

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