Ch. XXXI - Hard 2 Face Reality. (Finale)

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[ Chresanto. ]

“This just in and other than the big news about Adam Levine really departing Maroon 5, Chris Brown might serve a life sentence as we speak, and real predictions that Kim Kardashian-West is filing for divorce, one surveillance camera in a hall of Manhattan’s Comfort Inn and Suites caught Jay Perez exiting out of MTV’s Amateur Couture actor, Chresanto August’s hotel room at around 6 A.M.,” Terrance J announced on an afternoon episode of E! News. “This happened last weekend and an anonymous employee just found a clip. Well that person might’ve made a life to look at surveillance videos because I know a lot of celebrities scroll down halls and take elevators in hotels all the damn time!” he laughed, taking his hands out his suit pockets. “But nah, there are some evidence on what this incident might add up. Four weeks ago and before he quickly deleted them on his Twitter account, Jay tweeted about his “mystery” sexuality and a couple of those confessions mentioned his past relationship was being with a guy. Questions buzzing on could his ex-boyfriend be Chresanto and have they attempted any sexual rendezvous last wee—”

Then, Desirée powered off the television. I can feel her devastating aura. As I’m hiding in the somewhat dark hallway, I’m totally in every mood—minus being content. It’s common sense that you wouldn’t expect me to be happy about being sabotaged by… people.

This rumor that’s clearly real has been going on for the past hours; ever since I’ve been doing my morning routine like going on Twitter and Instagram. Other than being confused like why they didn’t air this out sometime last weekend, I started to become frightening. This has become the very first detrimental situation I’ve ever been as I’m an actor. So of course, I would be scared. It’s crazy after a minute this true rumor leaked, the media will go nuts with spreading it like they’re against you and people… will always talk—that who knows when this whole thing will concludes. I’m afraid to step out of my yard because groups of paparazzi will openly creep on me. Being blinded by this exposure is just gonna get worst if I get blinded by flashing lights all up in my space.

That little surveillance clip didn’t even show a scene when I, myself entered inside that hotel room. How can they exactly know it’s me inside? Did this “anonymous employee” assume it was me? Did this “anonymous employee” chose my room for me that week? Oh wait, any assistance I consulted that time, it could be any of them sons of bitches. There’s so many questions I have when everything’s one hundred percent true. Maybe a rowdy group of shutterbugs don’t have to physically follow me around because plenty of people is interrogating me on every social network I have an account on. I temporarily deleted the apps from my phone and it’s still nerve-wrecking. Because they’re temporarily off, I have no clue when I’m reinstalling them.

Seems like never.

Besides this is hurting me, and possibly hurting Jacob—since he was the one that exit out that room—this seem like it’s hurting Des more. I would walk in the living room to recover her, but I need recovering my damn self. She’s probably over-disappointed in me. You know that feeling when you hide away from preventing a whipping from your mom?

Yeah, that’s how exactly I feel at this point. I want to step out to get some fresh air but the shutterbugs could somehow appear. I don’t know what the fuck I should do to alleviate.

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