Ch. XIX - Back Of My 'Lac.

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[ Chresanto. ]

I knew someway, somehow, this possibly would become confusing all because I wanna exchange something about me. It may sound ridiculous or whatever, but as long as I’m with Jacob, that’s when I wanna lose my innocence. Since probably the early times we met, I’m guessing that he had some obscenity thoughts of me and aimed on getting rid of my virginity before I had to warn him. I figured that could come to life anytime soon now, when we’re now together.

“Chresanto?” Jacob called me in concern.

“Yeah?” I turned back to him, snapped outta my thinking daze.

“Why all of a sudden you wanna change your mind babe?” he asked, as he grabbed my hand just for gently rubbing. I hate when he does that. “What’s absolutely wrong with what you wanted to continue?”

I exhaled deeply, just to elaborate some words in my mind so I can say it coherently. It feels like I have a lot to explaining, but my mind’s a mess to find the legitimate reason so Jacob can buy it. I have to hurry to say something before these crickets get louder.

“Mainly and you could look at me like ‘what the fuck’, but… I love you,” I admitted, but I felt nervous when I had to push that out.

Also when I forced myself to enumerate that, Jacob began to freeze his glare at me, gaining a cute blushing smile on his attractive face.

“Well I have no choice but to love you more,” Jacob confessed, in an honest tone and his reddening smile began to fade slowly. “I-I wanted be the one to admit first because it usually the first habit. And whoever I say that to, they would end up loving me less and leave me in little time. And it just don’t make any fuckin’ sense y’know?”

That leaves me to think that I’m the only one that refuse to love him any less. Why would anyone pass Jacob up for a boyfriend? Essentially, he’s a darling and would feel extra happy if he’s with someone that loves him. I’m doing anything to keep him happy, and prevent him from being alone when he has nothing to do—when I’m not working or what.

“You don’t gotta worry ‘bout that now,” I murmured, wrapping my arms around his waist to pull him closer. “Honestly, you all I got.”

He imbed a kiss on my cheek then, simply on my lips. “You’re so sweet.” Jacob purred. “Is there anything I should do?”

“Naaaah,” I chuckled.

“Wanna go blaze it in your car for a little bit?” he smirked.

He’s actually referring to weed. Since that seems like a great time to smoke, I need it. We don’t wanna smoke out here on this hill because we don’t wanna liter blunt ashes, and we consider this little territory drug-free.

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