Ch. XVI - Smirks & Nightmares.

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[ Rayan. ]

My best friend glanced at Jacob in bewilderment and being his best friend, that look of bewilder could turn into disappointment. As the both was frozen in shock, I took the time to smile in the inside, but I had to maintain my serious expression to fit the mood. Now what's Jacob is gonna do now? Since he exposed himself very unexpected, he’ll make up another lie so Chresanto could get twisted up in it again?

From the looks of it, I guess that he won’t believe him. So what’s actually the point of bluffing now?

“Jacob, what d’you just say?” Chresanto asked in slight darkness and fright, having his eyes locked on him in the same feeling of his voice.

“I said that I’m a porn star… to you if we ever get married,” Jacob admitted that lie and walked closer to Chres to kiss him.

That half-Italian son of a bitch.

My face absolutely went blank as I felt my shoulder slumped lower. Honestly, I was more disappointed in this kid for building another front to a boy that’s faithfully straightforward. No—forget the more disappointed; I was turning livid. Jacob was mentally tormenting Chres. At a time like this, I would say anything to make Chres to reckon me, but he’s all sprung up on Jacob that he would blow me off for trying to do my job correct. So maybe this time, I’ll stay out of this by proceeding to live life and depend everything on karma. I’m not the person to give up but I’m pissed, so it’s better to forget it. Even when the proof comes back, let’s reject that.

“You had me scared there,” Chresanto chuckled. “‘Cuz if you are for real… man, why would I go wit’ one? It would be disgraceful to a virgin.”

I know Jacob is internally feeling damned when he mentioned that. I would laugh right now but I’m not in a laughing mood. Safe to say that I hate to be Jacob right now.

“But I just ordered the food so I’m ‘bout to go out to my car to grab my charger,” he added when he began to walk past Jacob. “So I’ll be right back.”

“Cool, hurry back,” Jacob gave him a pat on the butt.

“I’m comin’ witchu’ since I’m ‘bout to go,” I interfered.

“Well c’mon,” Chresanto said in nonchalance and exited for a little bit.

Before I wanted to leave, the aura between Jacob and I still weren’t any better. It was a little less weighty than before, though.

“I swear to God, I hope you go straight to hell,” I growled that animosity comment, shaking my head.

“My name’s first on the new list as we speak baby,” Jacob shrugged with a light false smile, not even fazed. “And I’ma be already scorched when you arrive, so I don’t gotta worry about seeing your face.”

“Aye, totally fine by me,” I ridiculed as I’m placing my hands in front of me, stepping backwards to the door. “That’s the greatest news I’ve eva’ heard in my entire life.”

Think twice if you think that’s sarcasm.

Finally, I ambulated out this condo that’s full of hard feeling as the atmosphere. There’s something about me love getting the last word before I dismiss; like me love getting odd than even. But anyways, that asshole should be ashamed for putting Chresanto in a heartbreak; though they didn’t break up or anything. The dishonesty could be the key to a heartbreak.

Shit. Maybe I should get to the point that Jacob shouldn’t really deserve Chres. For once, it’s unsubtle that Chres doesn’t really want some porn star and I totally understand why. Jacob can forever try hold his peace or say something now… which someday, their love will get heavy and the guilt will eat him alive like a shark. Now that’s the type of karma I’m looking forward on. I’m not wanting the both of them to break up so please don’t get it twisted. I just want Jacob to be straightforward because Chresanto is nowhere the type to hurt anyone under any circumstances. But nope, Jacob like to go to war with this shit so I’m leaving him alone. When I’m against people, I leave them alone because I hate ugly causes and effects.

“Alright, now talk to me,” Justice asserted. “What’s wrong?”

I had to come to her house to rant, since I didn’t really have no one else in mind to vent my words to. Yeah, I’m still trying my best to get with Justice because she like the only person that can fully understand me, though we can have little things we may disagree on. I actually don’t give a flying fuck if this is Jacob’s best friend. They are two different people. It’s not like she don’t remind me of him and if so, that’ll be very disrespectful in my book.

“Umm, Ray Ray?” she tapped my shoulder to get my attention and I’ve snapped back to reality.

“Oh… I’m sorry. The view is great up here,” I chuckled as I’m holding my folded legs.

Also, we’re sitting on the top of her roof, enjoying this Californian wind when this evening’s weather is getting humid than blazing.

“And it’s ‘bout yo’ best friend by the way,” I answered her question, remaining to look at the scenery in front of me. “I’ve went to his condo just see Chres for the day and he unintentionally reminded me that deal.”

“And it didn’t work… dammit,” Justice sighed.

Over this weekend, I’ve told her about what I managed Jacob to do, but it was a slight subject because I found it pretty rude to bring someone else when we was spending some quality time doing fun stuff… which was going to an amusement park. I explained to Justice what’s Chres is like and capable of so she supported my objective and hope that it’s successful. Not because it was only a nice thing to be supportive, she didn’t like the fact why Jacob keeps up the lies and that’ll what make her trust him less.

“He just keeps verbal fightin’ back,” I scoffed. “I understand that he’s scared n’ shit but he have to reveal himself someday. But look, Chres caught him when he said slip what we should say, so he tricked him again with another lie.” I exhaled deeply. “This is bullshit.”

Justice shook her head and continued to look forward. “Jay have to understand Chresanto is very different and he should be treated the best. But you know what, it’s better to leave it and let nature take it’s course.”

“I know. I told myself that earlier,” I nodded, squinting my eyes because the passing wind.

“But just don’t label Chresanto as the blame because he’s with Jay now,” Justice insisted. “You can still kick in plenty of time to talk and hang out with him. A relationship can’t end a friendship.”

“From the looks of it and as I keep telling Chres the rights ‘bout this kid—”

“—Don’t bother to bring it up again,” she warned in a serious tone. “Just don’t even worry anything that involves them two because you have other shit to think about, am I right or wrong?”

“Yeah yeah you right,” I agreed, with a slight chuckle.

“Alright,” she said.

Suddenly when each of her words about the part that I can still hang out with Chresanto repeated in my head, a switch flickered on in my mind. We was silence for a bit so I took the time to think about it.

I know I said and even Justice here advised me to leave them be, but this one plan was feeding my head right now. And it’s damn sure the last thing I’ma try to accomplish to get the truth about Jacob to reach out. Just so you know, this little scheme is a confidentially so maybe y’all see it for yourselves at any moment. This plan is literally small that I already confirmed and finished. I was feeling confident about it that I rubbed my hands together and smirking menacingly… like you see in fantasy movies when a villain is presuming to take out a superhero.

Consider me the villain if you want because I’m actually the superhero here. I’m saving a best friend from danger.

“Hahahaa…” I chuckled low and evil, still rubbing my palms together.

“What’s so funny?” Justice somewhat chortled, glancing at me.

If I tell her, chances are, she would be disappointed for disobeying her words on leaving them alone.

“I’ve just thought ‘bout something funny,” I made an coverup, but it sorta is something to laugh about. “That’s all.”

[ Jay. ]

Today became one hectic day as soon Ray Ray came over that right now, I’m trying to keep it out of my mind by taking a relaxing shower. Every time I shower, it refreshes my timbre into satisfaction and relaxation beside stepping in just to get cleaned. My shower is like my own spa and I’m starting it to consider it my soul searcher.

I entered my bathroom again to see is the water is perfect enough for me to bathe. It was just right that I turned on the shower head, closed the bathroom door, and dropped my black silk Versace robe. I own five of them by the way. Conclusively, I’ve stepped in the shower, sliding the glass shower door closed. Before I could lather my smooth skin with delectable body wash, I was letting the water shoot on my face and I scuttled my fingers through my curls that’s now on the verge of getting wet.

And before I could grab my shampoo, the lights unexpectedly shut off, that I froze in place and looked around in bewilderment. It was pitched black and fully over my fear of the dark, I was curious and growing cautioned. The scene was the blackness when you close your eyes, that’s what it looks like. I’ve paid my monthly electric bill recently so I hope no one isn’t planning to fuck around with me. The shower is still running but I can’t turn it off because I can’t see anything. I’ve tried to slide the shower glass door open but I couldn’t find the way so I roam my hands all over the wet glass. It was the slightest thing that helps.

“Goin’ somewhere?” I heard a sinisterly and familiar voice in front of me. I shrieked a little and froze again, though I was staring in darkness.

I was bemused and frightening because I barely knew how someone snuck in this shower when I was in here this whole time.

“W-who are you?” I stuttered as I’m sounding nervous.

“Why you’re scared of tellin’ my best friend the truth?”

Little did I know, it was Ray Ray, talking in a evilly half-whisper. My feeling transferred into astringency but since the surroundings was very unlit, the feeling was a bit slight because I was unable to see his face. I could tell that his ambience was dark as well.

“Ansa’ my gotdamn question!” he demanded a little loud that I jolted. “Why you keep lyin’? Are you scared that he would dump you?”

“Mainly, it’s none of your business,” I countered, bringing up my boldness. “So find your way out my fuckin’ shower.”

“You darin’ me to put this water to the hottest temperature,” he continued in his low damnable voice. “Tell me now ‘cuz you got one second.”

Just for refusing and my blood was pretty hot, I violently backslap him across his face, in the darkness. When I did it, I felt something cloth, leaving me to guess that he’s wearing a hoodie. Before I could yell at Ray Ray to exit, he set in his vengeance by backslapping me… ten times greater that I ended up falling hard on the wet shower floor. I clenched my teeth in vexed while holding the stinging pain on the side of my face.

Next, Ray Ray straddled me and pushed my chest down forcefully and his cold hand began to restrain my neck. When he tried to stop my breathing, I had the desire to do the same but my fingernails dug in his skin; more extreme way to choke him. He managed to shake his head away and aggressively bit my hand. I instantly yipped in convulsion then, I used both of my hands to let Ray Ray let go of my neck. He’s squeezing so powerful that maybe any minute, I would be sleep for good.

“Say somethin’ before you will be in the dark foreva’ ‘til you see the light of fire,” Ray Ray interdicted still in his sinister tone.

“… Never,” I managed to let out in a weak utter as he’s taking every inch of my breathing. I’m still trying my best to grab his wrist away to remove his hand, but his reinforced grip remains.

“A’ight,” he muttered as I could feel him digging in his pockets. “I’ma mainline this shit just like yo’ doctor when you got a lip injection.”

Something that was horribly sharp had swiftly targeted my ball sack; it sent me the most deadly pain to the point I hollered in agony.

I began to immediately lung up from my pillow with my reamed eyes and loudly inhaling and exhaling. I also glanced around and see that I’m in my somewhat dark bedroom… and I’m not getting choked or stabbed anywhere on my body.

Out of all, I just had the worst nightmare.

I had a nightmare that someone that I’m starting to hate, was murdering me. Usually in my dreams and fantasies, I be the one to murder my enemies. Before I crawled in bed to sleep, I was planning on not to think of anything about this kid. Now he’s haunting my sleep and all over my damn mind, nagging about being honest to Chresanto. He have to mind his business and from the looks after I’ve made an excuse to Chres, it seems like he quit on trying to do anything; that’s why he threatened me before he exited out my door.

When I’m on the subject on breaking it to Chresanto, I barely know how now. He mentioned that my career was disgraceful and if I tell him, the ending is gonna be ugly, as I’m predicting. He’s the best thing that happening to me right now and I can’t afford to lose him.

“Whew… oh Jesus Christ,” I sighed in pure relief and proceed to lie down, pulling some covers to sheath me comfortably.

I started to close my eyes, but then I keep opening them back up. That nightmare had me ruminating that it withdrawn me to continue sleeping. Just to enhance that, I’ve shifted to my right where my alarm clock is sitting; one of the only light that’s illuminating my room. The digital clock shown 2:56. Four minutes to three A.M. I sealed my eyes and once again, I opened them, staring at my clock this time. That horrid dream still remains in my mind. It’s beginning to keep me a little scarred because what if that phantasm switch to something real? Since Ray Ray is an unpredictable guy and he hates me (and I hate him) now. I know what the cliché phrase, “Hate is a strong word”, but that’s really the right word to describe the both of us. He fails to understand me and force me to do shit, knowing that I need more time to get together.

Suddenly, I’ve thought about something I should do to solace me by helping to return back sleeping. I picked up my phone from my nightstand and start to call my boyfriend. I’m guessing that he will become displeased because I’m calling him this time of morning and he have to get up for work sooner; so do I.

“Hello?” Chresanto voice was raspy. I understand that he was just a second ago sleeping, but he sounded sexy.

“Hey adorable,” I acknowledged with a warm smile. “I’m so sorry for calling you this time of night—well, morning.”

“Is sum’ wrong baby?” he sounded concern in his sexy raspy tone.

“I can’t sleep,” I mumbled.


“I had a nightmare,” I exhaled.

He’s about to ask what was it about and trust me, I was getting precautioned.

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