Ch. XV - Whoops Wednesday.

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[ Jay. ]

Migraines are the worst.

Seriously, I’m suffering from it physically this time. I’m on these tablets that’s requisite for me to take every twelve hours and headaches is one primary side effect. My mom prescribed me to these meds when I was a teen, but let’s not talk about that. Regularly, marijuana would give me headaches as well, but that’s after I wake up and it wears off for little periods of time. This side effect I’m dealing with right now would stick with me for the most of the day. Also, I always deal with it almost once a week. This pain is so tensed that it seems that I’ve been crying second by second. Why it can’t cause mental headaches instead? I’m used to getting them more.

Luckily, Justin advised me that I could take the day off but I have to get in action tomorrow. On those days that he would irritate me, he wouldn’t buy a care if my side effect triggers. He inclined me to fuck anyway. But now, we’re friends again and he commanded me to rest on my living room couch and stream something that interest me on Netflix.

On the other hand, today—well, mid-evening—is Wednesday. Chresanto and I’s one week anniversary and the day that his so-called best friend obliged me to expose myself. Being infamous for being an insubordinate human, you think that I’m listening to Ray Ray? Matter of fact, don’t you think I should expose myself to Chres on my own time? Also, don’t you think it’s actually too early when this relationship just started? I have so many questions, but it could be more complex. More indecipherable like for example… why it’s too early to tell Chres the truth when I should’ve told him before we had to fall in love?

But last week when I told Ray Ray that I’ll do it, I lied; because he had the audacity to show Chresanto the proof right then and there. It would’ve been pretty ugly if he showed him during that moment, especially the relationship didn’t really lasted an hour. If Ray Ray knows that I’m not telling my boyfriend, his evidential proof is having some technical difficulties and he’ll have to wait for some weeks maybe. And some weeks later maybe I would be ready to be honest to Chresanto.

Which I’m still doubting it.

“I’m here,” speaking of Chresanto, he greeted after he unlocked the door. Over the weekend, I gave him my spare key so he can come over anytime he like.

“Heeeyy bae,” I trailed, I don’t know why I sound a little sick when I’m just suffering from a headache. “How was your day?”

“Nah, you askin’ the wrong one,” he gave me a simple kiss afterwards and placed my feet on the floor so he can take the spot next to me. “Though my day was okay. How was yo’ day? You gettin’ any betta’?”

“I just not to long ago took some Advil,” I answered. “It’s still tensed but I’ll be fine.”

“Well just to at least comfort you, I bought yo’ favorite frappe,” he revealed a Starbuck strawberry frappe with a slight sympathetic look. “Happy week anniversary.”

“Aw, y’know you didn’t had to do this,” I chuckled as I’m grabbing my favorite frappe.

It was a stuffed bunny, a rose, and now my predilection frappe. It’s like that he knows my weakness very well. I’m predicting that he love to see a real smile on my face.

“I know, but I wanted to,” he boasted after he put his car keys on the glass table, removed his shoes with his feet, and sat next to me. “Throughout these seven days, I keep havin’ on and off feelings that I wouldn’t be a great boyfriend.”

“Why you say that?” I asked with a look of concern. “Why you feel like that way?”

Before Chresanto get to explaining, he let out a sigh. “A’ight. Have you ever been wit’ somebody that had a reason to stay as a virgin?”

“No,” I placed the frappe on the small lamp table that was next to this couch.

“Exactly,” he nodded. “And wit’ the looks of it, I’ve thought about it and I could be boring.”

I was getting a tad bit confused on why he thought about it that way. I’m still pushing myself to focus extra on the bright side of having a celibate boyfriend. Every time, Justin’s words were in my head about the bright side of the situation; but I still doubt that all parts of my constant lusting would vanish. You see two nights ago I’ve brought Chresanto into phone sex. But anyways, he shouldn’t all of a sudden feel insecure. For the most part, Chresanto shouldn’t feel like he have low self-esteem when it comes to anything.

“Once a Cuddle Bunny, is always my Cuddle Bunny,” I beamed, pulling optimism with that pet name I made just for him.

He instantly smiled, scooted closer to me, threw his arm around me, and we placed our feet on the glass coffee table so we can cuddle with assuagement again. I pecked his lips just to comfort him a little more.

“You are not boring. You’re probably doubt this and I would be disappointed if you do but you’re perfect just the way you are,” I confessed. “I know it’s been a week but you make me feel tingly in the inside. If I ever dump you because won’t give up your virginity before spousal, I’d be damned and hate myself than anyone else.”

From the words from my heart, I could tell that he was growing speechless, because every second his cute blushing would disclose it. Also, it’s affecting me as well, then I held his right hand.

His hand is so soft right now that I wanna squeeze it real tight.

“Just don’t kill your mind for what you wanna say to me,” I giggled.

Chresanto exulted. “I’m not. It’s that I never knew you could make me feel like this.”

“Well I can make anyone feel good,” I shrugged. “But it’s my job to make you feel better.”

“Ha, not again…” he mumbled, tilting his head up as his blushing smile expose again.

“What? It’s more adorable when you blush babe,” I flattered, then I made the situation worst by planting a kiss on his cheek. “But I’ll stop making you scream and melt on the inside by not showering you with spoilness again.”

“Yeah, please,” Chresanto let out a laugh. “It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just you was makin’ things really fluffy.”

Fluffy, flirty, and lusty shit is all I do in relationship. It’s just a message, telling them that they’re candidly special to me.

“It was my intentions,” I commented.

Chresanto simply nodded and suddenly, we got quiet. This time the silence wasn’t even awkward, it was comfortable. As he was looking at the tv, my mind was epitomizing what I just mentioned sweetly to him. I didn’t really thought about any words whatsoever; so yeah, it did come straight from the heart as you may consider.

At one random moment, I was looking down at my right hand. Usually, each fingers on my both hands is filled with doctrinal, demiurgic, and luxury rings but I’ve been lagging on ornamenting my hands lately that right now, each of my hand only has one ring. My left hand’s ring finger has a silver ring of a cross—the center of the cross includes a tiny blue gem. It was a gift that my grandmother gave me, a couple of years ago. On the hand that I’m glaring, at was a ring that Rebecca presented me last year for Christmas. Young people get these all the time so the ring is golden and it has my full first name cursive as the center piece, “Jacob”.

I was glaring at it because I felt like being more kind to my boyfriend. Also, to actually believe that I love him… even though I would be extremely diffident to admit that right now.

I pulled off the ring that my sister gave me, grabbed Chresanto’s left hand, and slip it on his ring finger. What a lucky moment that it fit perfectly. He directly glanced at the ring, then at me.

“You didn’t had to do this,” he interpreted.

“As long as you’re with me, I want you to keep it,” I asserted and afterwards, our lips got in contact to the point that we’re osculating amorously.

I’ll admit and I don’t know have I said it before, his kisses take the best of me. Surprisingly since the mood is romantic, I couldn’t consider anything lustful like I usually push things to. Being more romantic than lustful is what happens to me like one in a while, so I hope that get fixed.

“Yo’ head is a’ight?” Chresanto asked.

I was in love that I forgot that I was dealing with an excruciating headache. The headache is still settled in, but to the point that it turned to something slight. I knew that it’ll go away in some minutes so I should let my happy mood proceed.

“Not worst than earlier,” I answered.

“Great,” he smiled. “Can I order take out Chinese for dinner?”

“You must’ve read my mind because I was craving for that,” I giggled.

Abruptly, I heard some knocks at my door that the both of us snapped our head at the door’s direction.

“I’ll get it,” Chresanto ejected from the couch and stroll to get the door.

I wanted to act aloof so I proceed to look at television.

“Ray Ray, wassup?” I overheard him greeted at the door.

Then, I cautiously widen my eyes and immediately turned my head at the door.

No the fuck way, it’s Wednesday and he can’t be here just to prove that I’m being honest!

“Can I come in?” Ray Ray after he answered Chresanto’s greeting.

Nope nigga, stay yo’ ass out there.

“Jay, is it a’ight if—”

“—Yeah,” I muttered. I couldn’t say what I wanted to say because I didn’t wanted to leave my boyfriend a little disappointed.

But when Ray Ray enters in, he better not start any slick bullshit. Other than that, I hope he forgets.

Ray Ray walked on in and Chresanto closed and locked the door.

“Hey Jacob, wassup witchu?” Ray Ray generously greeted to me as he took a seat on the other couch where the wall is.

By that sound of his greeting, I could tell that all he cares about me spilling the truth. But since it’s a little bit too early to get ugly, I’m remaining to be nice.

“I’ve been dealing with headaches all day long but it’s healing now,” I replied, with a delightful front. “Yourself?”

“I just had a nap before I left the house,” he stated. “So I’m wide awake now.”

“Look, while y’all bein’ friendly, I’ma be in Jay’s room lookin’ out the window when orderin’ Chinese then I gotta pee,” chuckled Chresanto. “Ray Ray since you here, you want anythang?”

“Nah, I ain’t really stayin’ long,” said Ray Ray.

“Oh a’ight nigga be like that then,” Chres playfully sneered.

“Maybe I am, fuck nigga,” satirized Ray and I kick in a laugh.

Once again on I give credit to their hilarious friendship. Sometimes I wish my friendships be just like theirs. They argue but the other minute, they become cool again like nothing happened in the first place. When I get mad at someone, I tend to avoid them for days, weeks, or even months until something’s gotta give. I told you, I’m not an easy person to forgive easy.

When Chresanto went in my room, I could feel the vibe between Ray Ray and it was feeling approximately the same like last week back at Dave & Busters, when we got to arguing. The tension was getting pretty heavy.

“By the way, I’m telling Chres whenever I want,” I spoke low and serious to Ray Ray without looking at him. “Because the last time I checked, only me and him are together.”

“Ha! You just reminded me,” Ray Ray faked chuckled, which it sounded pretty evil.

Damn Jacob, why you had to open your fucking mouth?

“Shit…” I cursed under my breath.

“C’mon Jacob, give up the damn front already,” he demanded in a low volume so Chres can hear neither of us. “Y’know ya’ gotta unpack some shit out yo’ baggage.”

“I’ll unpack shit when I want,” I growled, lunging up from the couch at glaring at him. “Now get the hell outta my condo.”

“Well if you wanna unpack shit when you want, gimme the baggage and I can help you by unzippin’ it,” Ray Ray squinted his eyes while getting up.

And yeah, I can understand his references. I just wish Ray Ray can deal with fact that I need time because I’m tired of handling bullshit with him. Lying is dirty and I want to clean it up without him keeping an eye out for me. I understand this is Chresanto’s best friend, but I’m also Chresanto’s boyfriend; I’m not gonna hurt him.

By the way, the scene looks like we’re gonna fight because we both out of the couch. It’s not worth fighting over a situation like this, I think.

“Can you get off my back please?” I snapped.

“I gave you a week to get prepared and you can’t be a liar to Chres!” Ray scoffed, as his low volume continues. “He’s too much of a good kid to have someone that hides shit from him. You lucky that I’m not ‘een callin’ you a bad boyfriend… yet. I’m not leavin’ afta’ he comes back in here and you expose yourself.”

“And if I don’t?” I challenged with a slight chuckle, remaining irate all over inside. “The sites that my videos appear on is having some technical difficulties and don’t know when it’ll come back.”

“The only option is my words then,” he continued with a fake smirk.

“What happened when you mention that Chresanto won’t believe a damn word you say about me? Since y’all s’pose to be friends,” I questioned, squinted my eyes in suspicion and folded my arms to my chest.

His fake smiled quickly wiped off so his disturbed look showed even more, but his eyes was wretched; like to the point that I harsh his feelings for asking that.

“Well we here in the same gotdamn room togetha’ so I doubt Chres will believe a boyfriend than a homie more,” he backfired. “Is you scared to admit it? ‘Cuz a façade would make it more scarier. I’m sorry to break it.”

“It’s funny how people think it’s so muthafuckin’ easier for me to admit shit so smooth when I’m a porn star,” I replied, as my head was shaking in that entire sentence when I sounded agitated.

“What?!” the voice of Chresanto boomed from behind me, that I instantly reamed my eyes and turned around, with the feeling of being dunked and burned in boiling water, starting from my stomach.

Whoops,” Ray Ray sarcastically articulated.

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