Chapter 26

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(Your POV) 

I walked towards King and the others. King hand a swollen cheek. 

"Sir King are you alright." Elizabeth asked. He nodded his head. 

"Next match is Melie vs Ba'an!" Love Helm yelled. Melie and Ban looked at each other and nodded their heads. 

I pulled Melie to the side and gave him a peck on the lips. "Win for me~." 

Melie held onto his normal grin. He then pecked me on the lips. "And that was for good luck." 

Melie soon got up on stage. And so was Ban. I watch the fight closely. I knew that something was going to go down that I would have to stop. 

They had exchanged a few words then Love Helm started the fight. Then Melie disappeared and punched Ban in the face. 

He was close to falling out of the ring but quickly stopped himself. Ban the grabbed Meliodas by the waist and tried to hit his scole on the ground. But Meliodas grabbed Ban with his legs and flipped him over, causing Ban to crash into the ground. 

Ban then grabbed onto Melie's legs and launched him into the air with a kick. Ban quickly chased after him in the air. Ban the launched punch after punch at Melie. Which he blocked all of them. Meliodas then roundhouse kicked Ban into the ring. Breaking the rock in half. 

The crowd watched in shock at the two fighters. Their comments flowing threw the air. They became more shocked when they saw Ban sit up with no injuries at all. 

The two then fazed away and attacked each other at an alarming speed. Some people couldn't believe their eyes. I watched them with ease. I was, and so where the other Sins, able to see every move the made. 

Melie punched Ban in the stomach and made him cough up blood. Then he sent him flying. Ban landed roughly on the ground, but Melie fell to his knees. 

I knew what was happening. Ban was using Snatched. He stared to take Melie's strength. Ban stood up, wound free. He ran towards Meliodas ready to attack. Melie then threw a punch at Ban, but missed completely. Ban then punched Meliodas causing him to skid across the ring. 

Ban was jumping around with the new found energy that he has. When Ban wasn't looking Melie got up and elbowed Ban in the face. Pushing Ban back. 

Meliodas ran at Ban, ready to kick him but Ban missed and headbutted Melie instead. 

"You see that?" I asked the Diane and King. They both nodded in reply. 

"It's getting harder for Captain to keep up with Ban." King said. 

"Do you think his stamina is going down?" Diane asked. 

"No. Ban is using Snatched. He is taking Melie's physical abilities. That's why Ban's agility shot through the roof." I explained. King nodded with me, while Diane became shocked. 

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth asked, watching the fight. 

"Ban's magic ability Snatched is able to take someone's speed or power." King explained. 

Ban uppercut Melie then Melie grabbed onto Ban's forearm and flipped him over. Turning Ban in to a rage doll. Ban then used Snatch again and drained Meliodas so he could get free. Ban then punched Melie back, but Melie stopped himself before sliding out to the ring. 

Ban kept taking more power from Meliodas. Ban the launched himself at Meliodas. Ban went in for a punch, but Melie ended up fist pumping him, crushing his hand and arm in the process. 

Meliodas ran at Ban and punched him repeatedly. 

"Hurry up and finish him off already!" Diane yelled. 

"If Ban was to steal all of Captain's physical strength and win. When Captain would have to end this now." King explained. 

I watched the fight noticing one thing. Soon Melie's punches became slower. Ban had taken all of Melie's physical strength. 

"Lady Y/n, what's going on?" Elizabeth asked me.

"Ban took all of Melie's physical energy." I said. My eyes never left the fight. I knew what was going to happen. 

Ban was ready to punch Melie in the stomach. Elizabeth called out to Ban, hoping she could make him stop, but it didn't work. 

Diane thought she knew what was going to happen, but King proved her wrong. The three of them turned to me. I knew what they wanted, but I never looked away from the ring. 

"I know you guys want me to step in, but that isn't what needs to happen." I said to them. 

"What do you mean by that, Lady Y/n?" Elizabeth asked. 

"I mean, always trust Meliodas." I said. They all look at me then back at the ring.

We watched as Ban pulled back his fist and punched Melie in the stomach. Elizabeth didn't understand my words yet so she yelled out his name. 

"Shh." Melie said to her with his finger to his lips. "Don't blow my cover."

There was smoke and dust everywhere, when it cleared, it showed Melie in the ring by himself. 

"Where is Ba'an?" Love Helm asked, looking for the silver haired man. 

"He's over there." Melie said pointing to the square pillars to see smoke coming from them. Everyone was amazed. Y/n just smiled at him as he walked out of the ring. 

"A promise is a promise." Melie said, referring to the little promise we made before he started to fight Ban. 

"And I know that you always keep your promises." I said to him pecking him on the lips. 

"The final battle of the Festival is Isabell vs Ace!" The crowd cheered. I went to walk up onto the stage, but Melie grabbed my hand. 

"Promise, no fatal injuries." He said looking into my eyes.

"No fatal injuries." I promised. He kissed my hand and then let it go. I continued to walk up the stairs. 

The sins looking at my every move. Elizabeth was sitting in Diane's hands watching the fight. I turned to look at them a smile on my face. 

I turned my head to see Ace standing there. His shit eating grin still on his face. 

"Let the battle begin." I said under my breath, soon charging after him.

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