Chapter 27

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(Your POV)

I don't remember Love Helm saying that the fight begun, but I do remember Ace taking a step towards me, signaling that he was ready to attack me. 

Out of habit I charged after him, punching him in the stomach and knocking him back. 

"You punch pretty hard for a girl." Ace said, recovering from the blow. 

"Shut up." I said lowly. I didn't want him to get into my head. So I had to keep his voice out. 

Ace chuckled and dashed towards me, kneeing me in the stomach. I flew back a little, still landing on my feet. 

"Your really strong to. I should have expected that from you, (Yo-ur/na-me)." 

I looked at him in shock. 'How did he know my name?' 

"Why would you call me that criminal's name?!" I shouted to him. He chuckled again and dash towards me. I ducked and punched him in the stomach once more, adding a little more force. 

He flew over me and landed on his back. I could hear the air get knocked out of him. I stood my ground waiting to see if he got up. Ace slowly raised back up. His eyes, once light blue, turning into a stone cold navy blue. 

'I have pissed him off.' I thought as I watched him stand back up. 

"You want to fight? Fine, lets fight."Ace said. Wind then started to surround his fists. Making a sphere around them and spiral around his arm. He quickly dashed after me and punched me in the face. 

Ace had pushed me to the edge of the ring. With a punch. I stepped forward, so I wouldn't fall off. He then dashed at me once more. I dodged but then he turned around and kneed me in the stomach. Causing me to fly up in the air. I gasped for air. But it hurt. 

I then landed, hard, on the ground. 

(Meliodas's POV)

I watched as Y/n landed on the ground. I could feel, it. All of her pain. Ban and King had to hold me back. I was about ready to kill Ace but, I couldn't interfere. 

"Captain!! You need to calm down. Y/n will be fine. She is strong." King told me. He was holding my right arm as Ban held my left.

"Sir Meliodas. You have to believe in Lady Y/n. I'm worried for her. Very worried but she told me to always trust you. So you need to always trust her." Elizabeth said, her voice trying to be calm, through her worry. 

I looked at her, my eyes full of fear and worry. I was afraid to loose her. I am worried that something bad will happen to her.

I know that something is up with Ace. Ever since he got back up from the floor, something changed. 

At first is felt like he was messing around, but once he got the wind knocked out of him, his entire demeanor changed. The Sins and I all sensed it. And I'm sure Y/n sensed it too. 

Ace then walked over to Y/n and picked her up. He then punched her in the face. Then kicked her in the side of the head. Kneed her in the stomach, then round-housed kicked her back. She lied on the ground. The crowd was silent. They didn't know if they should cheer or not.   

Ace kicked her side repetitively. The grip on my arms tightened. My anger becoming harder to suppress. Ace said something to Y/n which caused her to freeze. Ace went to kick her again, but he stopped. 

(Your POV)

I stayed on the ground. My back and face hurt so much, that I needed to rest them a bit. I then heard footsteps and felt pain in my side.

I could tell Ace was kicking my sides. I just hoped that he didn't break one of my ribs. 

"Wow. Where was the strong Y/n that punched me in the stomach earlier?" Ace said still kicking me. 

I didn't answer him, I just took the kicks. I never wanted to fight him in the first place. Isabell hated violence, so I made sure that was never around her. I tried my hardest, to make sure Melie and I never fought when she was around. I never wanted to upset my baby. 

"What would your daughter think?" Ace asked. I slightly froze. He continued. "She was such a pretty little girl. When I saw her playing in that park, I had to take her. So I did. Then when she realized what I was going to do to her, she was about to scream for you. But I stopped her. I stabbed her, she didn't scream after that. I don't know how she could though." 

I turned my head to look at him, to see that he was serious. Ace went to kick me again but he stopped. My aura turning into a dark one. One that could kill. 

I stood up, my injuries gone. The crowd gasped in amazement. Ace grinned at me.

"You are the one that killed my daughter. You are the one that took my baby girl away from me." I ask, well more like stated. Ace looked at me, his grin slowly disappearing. I could feel the Sins staring at me. 

I slowly walked towards, Ace. He stepped back a bit. My eyes were cold. Lifeless. Angry. 

Ace saw that. He was scared. 

I dashed towards him. Punching him in the face. Then kicking him in the side of the head. I kneed him in the stomach repetitively. Then round-housed kicked him in the back. He was on the ground, I kicked him in the stomach and stomped on his spine. 

I kicked him in the side again, making him fly towards the edge of the ring. But he managed to stop himself. 

Ace dashed at me, ready to strike. But I grabbed his face. Then I slammed his body into the ground. I picked him up again, making us float up a bit. Ace then punched me in my side, which didn't work.

He looked at me with scared eyes. I chuckled at his expression. 

"What are you scared for? Didn't you want a fight, Ace? Or should I say Ares." I said darkly. His eyes widened at the name. His name. 

I then crashed us to the ground. Creating a bigger crater then before. Ace was left breathless and immobile. 

Love Helm was about to declare the winner, but my whole world faded to black.

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