Master Anakin Part 1

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There are a lot of ideas about how things would've gone if Anakin hadn't turned evil. Like about the

Skywalker family, and what great parents Anakin and Padme would've made, but I don't think that's

how it would've gone at all. So, I had this idea for a couple of very brief stories about the Skywalker

family. These are just ideas I'm spit balling so bear with me.



That's what he was, hotheaded.

Anakin knew that he was supposed to stay where he was, but he had never been too good at following

orders. And now he stood in front of Palpatine's door, his movements faster than he could process as he

kicked down the door and charged in. He saw Mace Windu, he saw Palpatine, he heard his name and

before he had a chance to think his lightsaber was drawn.

There was a flash of light; Anakin stepped back. He heard the whoosh and a small click as his lightsaber

clattered to the ground.

The air seemed to ring, growing heavier and heavier, clouding his mind as he backed away.


He tried to shake the feeling, to clear his head but-


He looked up, "Master Windu?" He fell back onto the chancellor's chair, burying his face in his hands,

"What just happened?" he looked up, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Darth Sidious," Mace Windu began, as he sat down across from Anakin, "Is dead," he looked to the

Chancellors dismembered body in exhaustion, "And I believe we have you," he pointed at Anakin, "To

thank for it."

Within a minute clone trooper had flooded the room, they were all busy doing background tasks,

moving around in a blur. Anakin blinked, once, twice, trying to process what had happened as one of the

clones walked over to help him up.

"You did the right thing," Mace Windu turned to face Anakin as they walked out of the room, "Master


His eyes widened, "Master?" he repeated to himself as a smile spread across his face. Master Skywalker,

he'd made it finally. He walked out the window and stared out at the building across from him, he and

Padme were going to be okay.

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