Damian Wayne x Reader

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You know what really sucks? Being stuck as a cat for two years. I was cursed by the witch boy Klarion and now I'm going to be a cat for the rest of my life. I used to be a magician, a powerful magician, but now I'm a cat. It stinks.

I'm constantly being threatened with my life, picked up, petted, and even thrown once. The other cats are as polite as they can be. I can't understand them, but they tend to help me find food. Mostly rats, lots of rats, and maybe fish. But it is interesting, watching the world go by around me, animals have no concerns for the world, It's peaceful sometimes, but I do miss it.

I finished eating a small squirrel and licked my paws. I wished that I didn't have to kill an innocent creature, but to survive...I had to. The first time I had killed, I had cried. It was a bird, a beautiful bird, a robin I think. I wished with my whole heart that I could make it alive again, but I had already killed it, out of hunger, despair, and something deeply rooted inside of me, a wildness that I never thought I had.

I looked up from my paws as I heard footsteps. A cat's instincts would be to run, but I stood still for a while, waiting to see who or what it was.

Drunkards. I should have known. I watched three men walk down the alley in front of me, completely wasted. They were laughing and stumbling, slurring their words and patting each-other on the back. I began to trot away from the disgustingness and the smell, but one of them spotted me.

"Hey. A Kitty." He said drunkenly. He laughed, as if at his own comedy and I trotted faster, my hair standing on end. Then I felt a hard pain on my side as I was kicked roughly by another one of the men. The others joined in and cackled as they abused me.

I hissed and swung at one of them with my claws. I scratched his ankle, but it only made him angry. He kicked me especially hard. I could feel his sharp metal heel scratch my skin. I started to feel weak and my claws slowly retracted.

"I'd suggest you all go home." a voice rang out menacingly from the dark corner of the alley. My eyes could make out a boy, a small boy, maybe thirteen or so, he wore a mask on his face and a hood on his head, attached to a cape.

The men looked at each-other and one of them shrugged. The boy took another step forward and unsheathed a long sword, "Go home now."

The men's eyes fell on the sword and they let out drunken curses, turning around and stumbling away from me. I could hear sirens ringing out and I guessed that the boy had probably called the police. He sheathed the sword and walked towards me. I hissed weakly and tried to get up. The boy bent down and picked me up gently. My claws dug into his gloves, but they didn't pierce his skin.

"Its okay." He rubbed behind my ear, causing me to calm down. I still felt scared, but somehow he gave me a glimmer of comfort.

"I'm Robin. I'm from the Teen Titans."

I meowed silently and hissed when his finger brushed the spot where I had been cut. His eyes widened in concern and he held me tighter, "I'll take care of you, don't worry."

Next thing I knew, he was carrying me across the rooftops of San Francisco. I hissed and clung onto him for dear life. He swung across a busy street and made his way down to the docks. I smelt fish below me and my mouth watered. Although I had just eaten, my stomach was still pretty empty. I was so thin that some of my bones were showing through my skin.

Robin started walking towards a large tower. It was shaped like a large T and it was very bright, and pretty. As we got closer, I tried to jump down from his arms, but he held me tight. I meowed my disapproval to him but he just smiled and petted my head. He walked into the building and I saw bright hallways and elevators, a staircase. This might be a fun place to explore.

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