Young Justice Outsiders (Red Hooded Ninja x Reader)

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Contains spoilers for Young Justice Outsiders!

"Hey!" you called from across a courtyard on Infinity Island. You were walking at a quick pace to keep up with the long stride of the man in front of you, "Hey!" you yelled, he stopped in his tracks and jogged up to him, "Do you want to tell me what's going on?" you snapped.

"No," he said, and continued walking.

"Hey," you yelled, jogging up to him again, "Why are you acting like this?" He kept walking, looking straight ahead through his goggles. You huffed angrily and kicked him off his feet, but no sooner did he touch the ground than you found yourself slammed against the hard-stone floor, "Ah," you groaned as you sat up and rubbed your back. He stood up and walked right past you, but you were undeterred. You stepped in front of the open doorway before he could get through. He stopped in front of you without saying anything, but you could tell through the emotionlessness of his goggles that he was glaring at you waiting for you to move.

"Look," you sighed, "I just want to know why you're leaving." He didn't answer you, "What happened?" your asked, your eyes begging him for answers. He hung his head and sighed behind his red mask.

"Please," you pleaded, placing a gloved hand on his cheek, "I'm your friend" You pulled the mask down and revealed the striking features that made up his face.

"(Y/n), he sighed,"I have to go, it's... complicated."

"Why?" you asked, turning his gaze back to you, "Why does it always have to be complicated with you?"

"I just," he rubbed his forehead and turned around again, "I need answers."

"Answers to what?" you snapped, "There's nothing for you out there!" you yelled, gesturing towards the sea, "What could you possibly be searching for?"

"I don't know!" he yelled. You shook your head at him as he tried to collect his thoughts, "Look," he said, "The other day when we were fighting those—"

"Grayson," you said heatedly, "Of course it had something to do with him. Every time a bat shows up there's trouble." You sighed, "Aren't you happy here?" you asked.

"Of course," he rolled his eyes.

"Then why do you have to go?"

"Look!" he yelled, "I remembered something!" You looked at him in surprise, and he nodded, "It was fuzzy, and very short, but Grayson was in it, and if there's any chance—"

"What about Damian?" you interrupted somberly, "What about Talia, and Ra's, the people who took care of you?" he started to say something, but you didn't let him speak, "What about them huh?" you choked out, "And what about me?"

He froze, "(Y/n) ..." he took your hand, but you tore it away, "You know I love you, but—"

"Then why leave!" you yelled, "Isn't this enough for you? Aren't I enough for you?"

He shook his head, "(Y/n)," he said, "You know I'll always care for you, but this—" he gestured around him, "There's just got to be more out there."

You stepped back and blinked the tears away from your eyes, "(y/n) come with me," he said.

"I can't," you whispered.


"No," you shook your head bitterly, "I pledged my allegiance to Ra's al Ghul, as did you." You stepped to the side, "I can't stop you from breaking your word, but I will not break mine."

"(Y/n)," he reached for your shoulder, but you shrugged him off, and turned your back to him, "(Y/n), please—"

"Go!" you yelled.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry—"

"Go!" you whirled around and pushed him away, "Go before I change my mind!" You heard his footsteps across the stone floor for the last time as he walked out. Your heart wanted to go after him, but you knew your duty. Your gaze hardened as you looked upon the stone doorway where he stood seconds before.

"Goodbye," you said coldly, beforeturning around and walking back inside. He was dead to you now, from the momenthe'd walked out that door. With but a second to mourn you returned to servingRa's al Ghul. You couldn't afford to let your heart be torn between twomasters.

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