Aint No Mountain High Enough

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Aint no mountain high enough, aint no valley low enough, aint no river wide enough, to keep me from getting to you baby, Tears flowed down your cheeks, as you stood in front of Jason Todd's grave. He'd hated that song, but for some reason, as soon as you'd arrived, the words echoed through your head.

"Remember the day, I set you free, I told you, you could always count on me darling," you whispered. A tear trickled down your face and splashed on the grave stone. Why hadn't he called you and told you where he was going? The two of you had been friends since his mother died, he'd told you everything, well, almost everything. He hadn't told you that he was Robin, but you had figured that out for yourself.

"From that day on, I made a vow, I'll be there when you want me someway somehow," you hadn't been there for him. You hated to think of him all alone in that warehouse. You had never told him that you loved him, but if you had, maybe things would have gone differently. And even if they hadn't, maybe he wouldn't have felt so alone.

"Don't you know that there-," you collapsed on the ground before you could finish. It was to late now. You would have done anything to stop it, but no matter how much you would've liked to, no one can turn back the hands of time.

"Aint no mountain high enough," someone sang softly. You looked up, it sounded like- no, it couldn't be.

"Aint no valley low enough," you had to be imagining things. He was gone, no matter how much you wished he wasn't, he was gone.

"Aint no river wide enough, to keep me from getting to-,"

"You," you sang turning around. It was Jason Todd.

"Jason!" you yelled, as you ran into his arms, "You're alive," you whispered.

"I guess, I just can't follow orders," he said. He tilted your chin up and kissed you.

"I love you," you whispered.

"I know," he said smirking. You kissed him again, you couldn't help it.

"Jason," you whispered.

"Yeah, (y/n)" he answered softly.

"I thought you didn't like that song," you said quietly.

"Oh no," he said as he rolled his eyes, "I'm never gonna hear the end of this, am I?"

"Never!" you laughed.

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