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"Alfred, I'm worried." You leaned against the counter in the manor's kitchen watching Alfred do his chores.

"Whatever for Miss. (Y/n)?" he replied calmly before sticking a plate in the sink.

You thought about telling had to tell somebody. You sighed and closed your eyes, "Well, Jason and I have been married for a year now..." you trailed off and played with your hair, "I'm expecting."

Alfred nearly dropped the plate he was holding, "Well, I see no reason to be worried." He coughed, regaining his dignity.

You sighed, "That's-not all though. I'm worried about Jason."

"I'm sure he'll be extremely delighted with the news." Alfred turned around and gave you a quizzical look.

You clenched one of your hands, "No, I think....I don't know what to think. He's been sneaking out at night when he thinks I'm asleep. Then he'll come home before I wake up and fall asleep on the couch. Then he'll leave again right after breakfast and not come back until after eight thirty." You sniffed, "I try to convince myself that Jason would never leave me, but I'm scared that if I tell him about the baby..."

Alfred nodded sympathetically and patted your shoulder, "Don't worry, everything will be right as rain, you'll see." He smiled at you and went back to doing the dishes.


            You sat down on the couch and listened for the familiar click of the lock in the door. You heard it open and Jason's humming as he waltzed into the room and gave you a quick kiss before setting down his things.

You smiled nervously, "So, how was your day at work?" you hoped he didn't notice the sweat that trickled down your forehead.

He sat down beside you and put his arm around you, "You know, same as always. I did boring work and sorted through papers."

You let out a tiny laugh and snuggled closer to him, this beautiful, amazing husband would never do anything to hurt you, right? You felt somewhat reassured, you breathed out deeply, "Sweetie, there's something I have to tell you..."you looked down, "I-" you were cut off by his phone ringing deafeningly.

He picked it up, "Oh. Um listen, something came up." He stood up; jogging towards the door, "I have to go okay!" he blew you a kiss and ran out the door.

You burst into tears. All the worry and stress and insecurity were weighing on your shoulders. Plus the baby that you had had for months now without telling your husband. You felt so helpless.

You must have fallen asleep on the couch, because by the time you woke up it was dark outside. You sniffed, "Jason!" you called. There was no answer. He still wasn't home. You then resolved once and for all to wait for him, you were going to find out where the heck he was going if it was the last thing you did.

A few hours later you heard a window creak open. You gasped silently and picked up Jason's bag, which was heavy enough to knock someone out and that he had conveniently left on the table. You walked silently into the next room and saw somebody climbing in the window. They landed on the floor and groaned.

You flipped on the light and they whirled around. You lifted up the bag meaningfully, "Get out now." You said, your voice shaking slightly. You realized that they were bleeding.

The person shook their head, "Wait." They slowly took off the mask that they wore over their eyes. You gasped, "JASON!" you rushed forward and helped him over to the couch in the next room, "Oh my gosh!" you ran for the first aid kit and gave Jason some pain killers before cleaning up the wounds, "What happened to you!" you looked up at him. He winced, "I... have been working a night job?"

You ignored him for now while you got out a bandage and wrapped it around his chest and his arms and a bit on his leg. Finally you were done and he pulled on a new shirt you had got for him.

Then you realized how mad you should be, "JASON PETER TODD! YOU HAD BETTER HAVE AN EXCELLENT EXPLANATION FOR THIS!" you glared at him from across the couch.

Jason winced, "I-um...have you ever heard of the Red Hood?"

"Yeah..." you listen intently as he told you his story.

"Jason..."you breathed out, "This is....its almost unbelievable.

Jason frowned, "See this?" he held up his helmet.

You covered you mouth, "Jason-I can''ve been sneaking out at night and doing hero work?"

He nodded.

"And does Bruce know about this?"

He nodded again, "It's weird."

You two were silent for a moment before he scooted a bit closer to your side of the couch.

You felt tears come into your eyes as he pulled you into his warm embrace and rested his head against yours, "You know I'll be careful."

"Jason, I don't want you to be careful." You looked pleadingly up at him, "I want you to stop."

He shushed you and held you tighter, "I can't."

"At least..." you thought for a moment, "At least promise to do it less often. For me?"

He planted a kiss on your lips, sweet and full of apologies, "I promise." He leaned his forehead against yours.

You smiled and felt a heavy burden being lifted from your shoulders. Then you remembered, "Um, sweetie..." you looked up at him.

He still had his eyes closed; "Hmm?" he hummed sleepily.

You kissed him gently on the cheek, "Well, I had wanted to tell you earlier, but...we're going to have a baby." You waited for a response.

"A baby." He smiled lightly, "That's great honey bun..." then his eyes popped open, "Wait what!?" He looked down at you, "You mean you're..." he ran a hand through his hair, "And I'm-I'm going to be a Dad!" he laughed happily and jumped up, "We're going to be parents!" he lifted you up by the waist and swung you around until you were both too dizzy to stand.

You plopped back onto the sofa and Jason kissed you twice, "One for both of you." He whispered.

You laughed as you stared up into your husband's beautiful eyes. He smirked, "You know, Bruce is going to be a Grandpa." 

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