Goooooal! (Bart Allen x Reader Part II)

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"GOOOAAAAAALLL!!!!!" Bart shouted, jumping up onto the couch and blaring his horn, "Yes! Yeah!"

I covered my ears and sighed, "Bart, you know we're watching Baseball right? Not soccer."

He sat back down, "Really? I thought it was just something you do when somebody scores."

"It's not. You only do that in soccer." I explained to him, "What did you not watch TV in the future?"

"I did." Bart nodded, "But you know, sports were never my thing....besides running of course."

I yawned and rolled my eyes, "Of course. How could I forget?"

He smiled and looked away, "So, do you want to bet on the rest of the game?"

"Well...."I thought, "Sure. But I'm for Metropolis, okay? Central City's going down."

"Whatever," Bart thought, "Okay, Winner chooses a dare?"


-----Time skip to the end of the game-----

"No! No! No! Come on!" I sank back into the pillows, "How the heck did Central City catch up?"

Bart smiled and crossed his arms, "Ha. Now about that bet..."

"Okay, yeah" I crossed my arms, "Just don't do anything gross."

"What makes you think I would do that?" Bart suddenly had gotten a lot closer to me.

"N-nothing." I looked away, "Just tell me the stupid dare."

"Okay." Bart turned my face to face himself, "I dare..." his eyes stared into mine and I could feel my face getting unusually warm, "I dare you..."

I could almost see the dare in his eyes, so all at once I moved my face the extra two inches and captured his lips with mine. I could feel my cheeks warm up at least a hundred degrees more and his arms slip around my waist. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away, "Well I can't say that wasn't nice but what was it for?" he grinned as my face turned red.

"I thought that was the dare! You little..." I felt about ready to die.

"What? I would never dare you to do that." He could hardly contain his smile.

"Oh MY GOSH Bartholomew Allen!" I got up, "Okay what's the real bet?"

He thought for a second and then grinned, "Kiss me again. Right....." he counted for a second, "Now." He reached out and pulled me into another kiss just as the door opened. I felt my heart skip a beat but as his lips pressed against mine I sighed internally and went along with the bet.


"Jeez you two can you do that somewhere else?"

"And how long has this been a thing?"

I jerked myself out of Bart's grasp to see Cassie, Jaime, and Tim standing at the door. Cassie looked away and coughed, "Well um...we were going to ask you two if you wanted to come get lunch but're busy with...watching the game."

"Guys no! This is not what it looks like!" I stood up.

"No no it's fine." Jaime walked out with Cassie, "We'll see you later."


I turned to Bart, "Not cool man. I wanted Lunch."

He grinned, "We could still go get some."

"OH MY GOSH I SWEAR I'M NEVER MAKING BETS WITH YOU AGAIN!" I stormed out, "And I'm telling Nightwing that you owe him four-hundred bucks!" 

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