New Baby (Secrets Series)

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You held a small bundle in your arms, your baby, well, yours and Jason's. You held her out for Jason to hold. He took her in his arms, almost afraid to break her, "Look at you" he cooed, "You look just like your mommy. Yes you do." He smiled in utter bliss as the baby made small gurgling noises.

You laughed and he put the baby back into your arms, "What are we going to name her?" he asked softly, looking adoringly at the small baby in your arms. You smiled, "I like the name Theodosia." Jason kissed you and the baby, "I like that too. How about you, baby? Do you like that name?" he picked up Theodosia and held her close to his face, "Yes you do. Of course you like that name."

You smiled, "You know Babe," he looked over at you, "I think you're going to make an amazing Father."

He smiled sweetly and handed you the baby, "You probably want to rest, and have some mommy daughter alone time, so I'm going to go down to the cafeteria and get something to eat." He smiled at Theodosia, "That's right, daddy's gonna go get food, but I'll be right back, daddy's gonna be right back." He grinned at you and left.

And that's when the baby started crying her heart out. You sighed, "Alright, don't worry baby." You rocked her gently in your arms, "Everything's gonna be just fine."

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