Snot and Sorrow

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He was cute and green, and moping around in the streets. You saw him eat yet another slice of pizza, as he sniffled like a sad puppy. You were sitting at the table next to his observing him as he ordered another extra large deep dish. You would have been impressed by the copious quantities which he had consumed in one hour, except for the fact that he'd been sobbing like a little girl the whole time.

You decided to talk to him. You stood up and pushed in your chair. He looked up and saw you standing above him.

"Hi," you said

"Hi," he answered, he looked down and wiped his eyes.

"Can I sit here?" you asked quietly. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all, it kinda seemed like he wanted to be alone.

"Sure," he whimpered, "its fine."

"So," you said as you sat down, "What's up?"

"Nuthin," he replied lifelessly.

"Well, that's a lot of pizza you've been eating, where do you put it all?"You laughed a little to yourself, hoping to get a smile out of him. He looked down at his stomach for a second as if seriously contemplating your question.

"Heh," he let out the tiniest of laughs, "I guess I don't know." You smiled and both of you burst out laughing.

"I'm (y/n)," you said, holding out your hand. He gladly took it and shook it vigorously.

"Beast Boy," he smiled as he let go of your hand.

"I kinda figured," you giggled, "How many green pointy eared people do you meet?"

"Yeah," he scratched the back of his neck. Just then the waiter arrived with the extra large deep dish Beast Boy had ordered a few minutes ago.

"Oh," he said as he stared at the pizza, "I forgot about that." He looked up at you, "Wanna share?"

"Sure," you answered enthusiastically, and then you looked at the pizza. "Um, what exactly is on this pizza?"

"Tofu, and tofu!" he stated proudly.

"Well, I can't judge it till I try it can I?" you said. You picked up a slice and took the first dreaded bite. Your eyes widened. "Oh- My – Gosh!" you yelled, "This is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted!"

"I know right!" yelled Beast Boy. You both ate a huge slice of pizza.

"Mmmmmmmm," you said in unison. You looked around you and realized that you had yelled all that. You waved at the people staring at you then slowly sat back down.

"So," you began with a mouth full of pizza, "How come you're not with your Titan friends?"

"Well, I just had to get away for a while," he sighed, "Something happened, and I just felt like being alone."

"Oh," you said, you got up to leave. Clearly this boy needed some alone time.

"No," he grabbed your hand before you could leave, "Don't go!"

"Okay," you said as you sat back down, "But you said you wanted to be alone."

"Well, I did," he said smiling, "Until you showed up."

You smiled, "Flatterer," you said, sending you both into fits of giggles once again.

Once you had both calmed down, you decided to ask him, "So, what exactly happened?"

"Wha- what do you mean?" he asked nearly choking on his tofu pizza slice.

"Oh come on," you answered him, "You've been eating boatloads of pizza, whimpering to yourself, and you even stated, 'something happened'. What's up?"

"I uh, guess I wasn't too subtle," he said sheepishly

"Nope," you answered, "Now spit it out,"

"Well," he began, "There was this girl..."

"Ah, of course!" you'd figured as much.

"Any way, I thought she was dead, but then I saw her at her school, and I took her out for pizza and to the tower, and she didn't remember me, then I threw mud at her face to help her and now she never wants to talk to me again."

Let's just say you had not expected that explanation. You were a bit- taken aback to say the least. "Okay then," you said, "Anything else?"

"Yes," he sniffled, "Her name was Terra and she could control the earth."

"Alright then," you had no idea what to say. Only two words were floating through your mind at that moment, soap opera. "Wow," you said, "That's um- that's pretty crazy stuff."

"Tell me about it," came a muffled reply, he had buried his face in his hands.

You took his hand and placed it on top of yours. You were pretty sure that the protocol for comforting super heroes was the same as the one for any normal person, no matter how messed up their problem was. "I'm so sorry Beast Boy," you said quietly,

He looked up at you with a tearstained face. You handed him a tissue with which he blew out all his snot and sorrow. "Thanks," he said as he wiped the tears from his eyes, "I really needed to get that out."

You smiled at him, you weren't sure if he was talking about his boogers or his emotions. Either way, you were glad he had. "No problem Beast Boy," you said. He let out a last little sniffle then looked at you. You smiled at him, you were happy to have helped; you liked the feeling you got afterwards.

You looked down at your pizza and took a bite. You looked back up; Beast Boy was still staring at you. "Beast Boy, are you-," you were cut off by a sudden hug from Beast Boy. He'd leaned across the table and flung his arms around you in a warm hug. You were a little bit shocked, as if your hands were frozen in space. "Thank you," Beast Boy whispered into your ear. You wrapped your arms around him and the two of you sat like that for a long time, just feeling each other's warmth.

You finally separated after a while, "Well then," you coughed, "I guess my work here is done." You began to stand up and push your chair in.

"Wait," Beast Boy yelled; he reached out and caught your hand. You turned to him completely and utterly confused. You sat down again, your hand still in his.

"Yes?" you asked, still as confused as ever.

"Do you uh-," he scratched the back of his neck, "Do you think it's too soon?"

"Too soon for-," you began, but Beast Boy cut you off.

"Never mind," he said quickly. Then he turned into a turtle and slunk into his shell. You picked him up.

"Beast Boy," you said, tapping your foot impatiently.

He changed back and looked at you, but he quickly looked back down and started shuffling his feet, "Would you- um... would you-," he couldn't seem to finish the sentence. You shook your head, he was funny, but he also looked nervous. You decided to help him out. You leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Wow," said Beast Boy. You both let out laughs of relief. Then you looked at your watch.

"It's around 5:00," you said, "Wanna go get some breakfast?"

"You read my mind," he answered. He took your arm and the two of you made your way to the best Tofu place in Jump City.

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