Running and Diving (Bart Allen x Reader Part III)

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"Loser buys lunch?"


"Winner chooses next activity."

"Bart!!" I glared at him and stopped for a breath, "Do you really think I'm going to make a bet with you on running?"

He shrugged, "It was worth a shot." He jogged in place, "I would go easy on you."

"Uh huh. Sure." I bent down, "And then you would speed up and win. I'm not stupid."

He smiled, "Okay fine. You're just afraid that you'll lose."

"I am." I stretched , "And reverse psychology never works on me, you know that."

"Fine then." Bart touched his toes, "How about this. I bet you that you can't make it to that garbage can and back within three minutes."

I thought. The can was about five yards away, and using my enhanced abilities, I would be able to reach it in about a minute and get back in less. I would finally be able to get back at Bart, "Okay, winner chooses next activity."

Bart nodded and pulled out his stopwatch, "Okay, ready, go!"

I ran as fast as possible to the can, touching it quickly and turning around, but as luck had it, I slipped on the wet grass and fell. I stumbled up and made my way back, "Time?" I panted.

"Three minutes...five seconds." Bart looked up from the watch and grinned, "So, next activity."



I dreaded whatever he had planned. He thought about it for a second, "We're going to go on a date."

My eyes widened in shock, "What? Seriously?"

"Yup." He grinned and held out his hand, but as he did so I caught sight of the watch.

"Why you little..." I grabbed his wrist, "Two minutes, ten seconds!" I read out. Bart's face turned red, "Oh, woops. I must have read it wrong."

I growled at him, "Next activity, diving."

"Diving?" he raised an eyebrow in confusion, "As in, swimming, at the pool?"

"Well, I'll swim at the pool, as for you..." I grabbed him. He tried to get loose, "Hey wait! Let's think about this for a second!!"

"Consider it thought about." I glared at him, and he smiled slightly, "You're going to throw me in the lake aren't you?"

I nodded and threw him. He fell into the water with a splash and surfaced with mud covering his features and hair, "So, do you want to bet on how long it takes for me to get out?"

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