Red Hooded Ninja Flashbacks (Young Justice)

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The red hooded ninja, servant of Ra's Al Ghul, the man with no name; that was all he'd ever known, all he'd ever remembered. And then something had happened, a flicker of memory, a brother named Grayson, and now he was running from the League of Assassins, a child strapped to his back.

It had all been a blur, one second, he'd remembered something, the next it had been gone. But after that he'd taken the Grandchild of the Demon's head and run. Now, as he sat on the edge of a city rooftop, he was trying to remember why.

It had been an overwhelming surge of something that had washed over him like a wave, and he felt an urge to do what was right. And now... He unstrapped the child and looked down at his sleeping face. Now all he knew was that he needed to keep this child safe.

He leapt off the roof and jumped down through the window of an old warehouse. It smelled like fish and seawater, but it was abandoned, and he needed a place for the child to rest that night. And though it wouldn't keep him hidden for long, he was certain it would serve until he found a place to go.

He carefully cleared a spot on the floor and lay the child there. The baby's eyes blinked open sleepily at the movement and let out a small cry, reaching up for the first person he saw. The ninja reached down awkwardly and picked up the baby boy, rocking him back and forth to silence hiss cries.

"Don't worry," he said, pulling a bottle of formula out of his pack, "We're safe now... Damien," he watched the baby's eyes slowly fall shut as he drank and laid him down on the ground. The truth was, he didn't know where he was going or when they would be safe, he checked the window for any sign of Ra's Al Ghul's minions, till then there would be no sleeping. He didn't know why he taken this child, but he trusted his own instincts and he knew he would do everything in his power to protect him.

"Aagh!" he cried out, he fell on his knees, clutching his head in both his hands.

There's a lot about me you don't know mother."

"I'm sorry Jason."

"That wasn't a very nice thing to do to Uncle Joker."

"-what you've done to his little friend?"



"We're getting out of here together."





"The door's locked! He's locked us in!"



"A good boy, must have loved his moth—"

"No!" the boy flung his head up, panting and gasping for air. He looked around frantically and calmed down. The baby was crying.

He stood up and lifted the child into his arms, "It's okay," he whispered, "I've got you, your safe now," his hands were still trembling as he rocked the child back and forth, unsure if he was reassuring himself or the baby.

He sat down and took a deep breath, trying to slow his racing heart "It's okay, it's okay," he repeated quietly, but it wasn't. He didn't know what he'd seen but it was real, it had happened. He looked down at the baby who tugged on his goggles, "We're gonna be okay," he whispered, staring out into the darkness, wondering if it was true. Would he really be okay?

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