Visit To The Waynes (Secrets Series)

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"Awwww!" Tim gushed over the new baby, "She's too cute!" he grabbed her up in his arms and cooed at her.

Dick congratulated you on the new child, "I'm just glad she takes after her mom and not her dad." He laughed and elbowed Jason. You pulled Theodosia away from Tim, "That's not true. She has Jason's pretty eyes." You smiled up at him and rocked the baby gently.

Jason put his arm around you and cooed at the baby.

Bruce sat on the couch next to Alfred, "Congratulations." He said, although he could barely contain the giant smiled that spread across his face. Damian was skeptical at first, watching Tim as he adored the baby, "Tim, you look like an idiot." He remarked.

You smiled and held out the baby, "Do you want to go to Uncle Dami?" you asked her. She made small cooing sounds and stuck her hand into her slobbery mouth. Damian raised an eyebrow, but he held out his arms and took her. He looked her over, "I don't see the pleasure that you people take in such an insignificant life form" Theodosia pulled her hand out of her mouth, dripping with wet saliva and she wiped it on Damian's face, laughing.

You held out your arms to take her back, but Damian hesitated, "I'd like to fully assess the child before you take her, thank you."

You laughed as Damian and Tim fought over the attentions of the small baby. Jason sat next to Bruce and you sat next to him. Bruce shook both your hands, "But let me warn you, raising kids is hard, and painful. But it's worthwhile." He smiled at Jason and you pulled him into a hug, "Thanks Bruce, but Theodosia isn't a bad baby."

You heard a sharp cry from where Tim was sitting. He was completely panicking, "I don't know what happened! We were playing with her and then she just made a pouty face and started bawling!" he looked at Damian, who was holding the baby.

Damian's face changed from a look of annoyance to a mask of complete horror as a warm, yellow liquid dripped from the baby's shorts and wet his shirt. He stood there in shock for a moment before you grabbed the baby and took her into the spare bedroom.

He pulled off his shirt immediately. He held it up to his nose, "It smells like Tim's room!"

Tim groaned, "Go change."

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