Second Chances Part 1

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Gotham is dark at night, sometimes even the moon isn't out. Night is the perfect time for you. And with the bat signal on, it means that the Batman and Robin won't be out to crash your party. They're occupied elsewhere. You took out your tether and attached it to the building, lowering yourself down.

Wayne Industries, home to the most amazing tech on earth. You took out your laser and cut a circle in the thick glass. You pushed it into the room and jumped in, releasing your tether. "I'm in." You whispered into your earpiece, you spotted a tube of green liquid, "I have spotted the item, and I'll bring it straight to you."

Suddenly a case slid over the tube; you heard a voice from behind you, "Funny, I didn't know they let rats into the building." You turned around; "I didn't know they let in birds." you pulled out a knife. It was Robin.

You charged at him, but he jumped over you and kicked you in the back. You staggered foreword and caught yourself by flipping back, "Wow, you're good." You muttered. You threw a bomb at the case and ducked. Robin fell on top of you as the case exploded.

He growled and lunged at you, but you jumped up and landed on him. You grabbed the tube and raced for the window, "Goodbye birdie!" You jumped, releasing your tether behind you. You felt somebody hit you and the tube fell out of your hand and to the ground and shattered. You landed and turned around, Robin stood behind you. You threw a knife at him. He dodged it easily. You pulled out a gun, but he threw a batarang at you. It hit you and left a gash on your arm causing you to drop your weapon. You cried out in pain and glared at Robin, "Oh you are going to pay for that."You lunged at him with your knife, and tried to stab him, but he twisted your arm and kicked you down.

"I will hurt you if I have to," He held the knife to your throat, "So you'd better run." He let go of you and watched you run as fast as you could into the night.

You huddled in an alley to inspect your wound you felt a screech as your earpiece sent an electric shock down your body; you whimpered and touched your ear. "The Assembly will not be pleased." A voice hissed at you. You got up and slowly walked away, your fate to be determined later-by the Assembly.

You had no parents, but the Assembler had taken you in. He had trained you and cared for you like a father. And you had never let him down; you had never let the assembly down. You had stolen things, dangerous things, without a question because you knew that with the Assembly's help, the world would become better and all peoples would be free of their oppressors, all would thank the Assembly, and a new age of man would begin. And now you had failed, because a stupid kid with a bird name couldn't understand that what you were doing was for the greater good of the world.

You raced towards an abandoned warehouse, why couldn't the world understand you, why couldn't they see what you did? You scanned the area and walked into the building and lowered your eyes, "I could not retrieve the item; I am extremely sorry." A man walked up to you, "I am most disappointed in your work. You have failed me, and that will not do" You looked up, tears welling up in your eyes, "It wasn't my fault! There was a-"The man grabbed you by the throat, "There was a boy! A mere boy. You lost to Batman's pathetic little sidekick!" He threw you to the floor, "You are a disgrace; a disappointment. I gave you many jobs. You have taken down people like Bane, Mr. Freeze, and even Joker, and yet you lost to a child. You are weak!" The words stung you, "I did my best, and I barely escaped."

He pulled out a knife, "It would have been better if you had not. I have no use for a silly child like you." You slowly rose to your feet, anger welling up inside you, "I looked up to you, I thought I was important, even special to you, but to you, I'm just a tool for you to use, until you can't use it anymore." He yelled and brought the knife down. You rolled out of the way and grabbed his arm, twisted it, and kicked him down. The Assembler looked shocked, "Where did you learn that?!" he whispered in pain. You smirked and grabbed the knife, "A little birdie told me." You prepared to stab him, but another knife came out of the shadows and knocked it away. You turned to stare as People came out of the shadows, "You dare assault the Assembler?"
You narrowed your eyes, "It's my pleasure." You stood up and ran at them.

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