Boy Choice 2

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A/N: surprise!! I was going through this book and seeing how happy I was writing in this, seeing how active y'all were commenting and it made me happy. I thought I'd give it a try again in here❤️ so I hope y'all enjoy this


Coming home from work, you were just exhausted and had an awful day. You spent all those years in college and thought it'd pay off, having amazing days doing something you loved yet it wasn't the case. You thought about finding another career many times, but you figured you'd give it another month or two. Just as you walked through the door of your house, you set your keys down, locking the door and kicking your shoes off. Sighing, you head to the fridge and open up your bottle of wine, grabbing a glass from the cabinet. Pouring your wine, you hear the key in the lock of the front door. As soon as you turned your head, you saw your lovely fiancée come through the door. "Hey, sugar." He greets, setting his keys down and walking over to you. "Hey babe, how was the meeting?" You ask, sliding your cup of wine and the wine bottle over, hopping onto the counter. He walks over to you and stands between your legs, resting his hands on your hips. "Long, but we set dates for the tour. Should be taking off in October." He replies, pecking your lips, making you smile. No matter what awful day you had, he always made you smile. "Will it push the wedding back?" You ask, frowning. Your wedding date was set for February 20th but it seemed as your was way more important. He immediately shakes his head, "I'm not letting tour get in the way of me getting to marry you. I strictly told them, no shows from February 15 to March 5." You giggle, nodding. "Thank you, hunny but you sure you want to be with me that long?" "I'll be spending forever with you, I'm more than sure I want all that time off, even if it's just a couple weeks."

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