Tv/Movie Time

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"IT'S SO SAD IT'S NOT EVEN FAIR!" You yell at the TV as you watch Hazel Grace and Augustus "flirt" with eachother. "Babe, it's just a movie." Ash says as he looks at you. You were 7 months into your pregnancy, so you cried and yelled with all the emotions going around inside of you. "NO. NO IT'S NOT 'JUST A MOVIE!' IT'S A FILM THAT MAKES YOU CRY AND YELL AND MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE YOU WANT TO BE HAZEL, BUT IN THE END YOU WANT TO CRY AND DIE BECAUSE AUGUSTUS HAD TO LEAVE YOU AND HE WAS SO MUCH AND HE MEANT A LOT AND HE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL AND I'M DONE. 300 PERCENT DONE." He hugs you and you calm down.


"Why won't she just go back and talk to him? Why are they so stupid!?" You ask, and Luke shrugs, annoyed by now. "This is just terrible. I'm just ugh. Go after him! Gosh boys do not know how to get a girl!" You sigh, irritated by Noah and Allie in The Notebook. "Babe, maybe you should just chill out and enjoy the movie." Luke says, rubbing your back.


"We should watch Finding Nemo." Calum suggests, already putting the movie in. "Sure." You sigh. You had a massive headache today, so you really didn't care about what you did, as long as it was calming. Just as you said that, Cal starts to shout. "YES THIS MOVIE IS THE STUFF. LIKE I LOVE IT!" "Cal..." You sigh. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry." He sits down, and just as you think it got better, oh girl, you had another thing coming. "JUST KEEP SWIMMING, JUST KEEP SWIMMING! I LOVE DORI! YESSSS ELLEN!"


"You can tell that's Louis." You giggle, pointing to Louis dressed up in the Best Song Ever music video. "Hey, at least they tried." Michael shrugs. "Haha, Zayn!" You laugh, dying as he shows up, dressed as a lady. You and Michael had decided to watch The 1D Movie- This Is Us. "He nice bum." You say, and Michael turns the TV off. "Okay, that's enough if that." "HEY!"


hey! Sorry that Ashton's is longer than everyone else's. I tried:/ ily

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