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You sat there, comfortably on the couch, Impossible by Shontelle playing in the background as you read The Fault In Our Stars. You knew it was sad, but you didn't know it was that sad. You reach the last couple of chapters as the door opens, revealing Ashton coming inside the house from recording. Tears stream down your face as you read about Hazel Grace talking about at the funeral and he she felt. You bawl, a headache already forming, pounding. You sob and close the book as it reaches the last page. You toss the book onto the cushion beside you, and set your head in your hands. "Hey, baby. What's going on? You okay?" He asks, tossing the keys onto the counter and sitting by you on the couch.


"I'm home!" Luke calls as he closes the door, leaving the warm weather outside. "TESSA! NO! YOU CANT TELL HIM THAT WAY!" You scream at your phone as you read After (1,2,3) on Wattpad. "Y/N?" Luke calls again, walking upstairs into your shared bedroom. "Poor Harry must be devastated." You state as he closes the bedroom door. "Are you okay?" He asks, trying to get your attention. "She's just terrible! I'm so done." You say, locking your phone screen. Luke clears his throat, capturing your attention. You look up at him and sigh. "Hey, Luke. How was the studio?" You ask. "Good. Let me guess, another book?" He asks, smirking. You nod and he chuckles.


"Awh I knew they'd be a great match! You could just tell from the beginning. She knew him, and he knew what she looked like. They at least even acknowledged eachother! This is ador-no! No! Annabelle! What are you thinking!?" You talk, as you read Just Listen by Sarah Dessen. She was a great author, and you really liked her. "What?" Cal asks. "Annabelle is going out on Owen and now he's mad because she keeps being confusing and it's all just a big fat mess!" You explain to the clueless guitar player. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Calum says. "Of course you don't. You're a hot guitar player who sings on tour with 3 other dudes in a band what you call punk rock but isn't punk at all because your drummer wears a pony shirt." You diss and he laughs.


Michael plays his video games (as always) as you read your favorite Sarah Dessen book, This Lullaby. "Would you just listen to the song? Maybe just ask your mom about your dad! Gosh, woman! You are so dramatic. If my dad wrote a song for me, I would Soooo listen to it!" You continue reading the book, and talk again, "I swear, this boy has problems! Who wants lizards!? Like, really! I mean, their weird tails, small poop eyes and ew their color is like, that's totally 1997!" You turn the page, revealing more parts of the story that unfold more perks about Remy and Christopher. "Girl, I would not get married 5 times! Like, girl please. We all know this one is a screw up too! But I like how she writes! I would love to read her books!" You opinion as you continue reading the chapters. 

Sorry I haven't updated in a looooooonnnngggg time. I've been through a lot lately, but I really like this one and I hope you do too. ily:D comment your favorite book!

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