YOU Make A Keek

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Usually 5SOS makes the keeks.. but this time... YOU do!


"babe!" you chuckle quietly as you make your way into the livingroom, filming your keek video, but then noticing Ashton playing a video game. "Ashyy?" you ask, sitting down on the couch, next to him, making the camera view both of you. He looks at you and you peck his lips as the end of the video

Caption: How to get Ashton's attention


"LUKEEEE!" you yell as you start the keek, laying on your bed. You have the camera facing you as you act like you're on your iPhone, but actually filming. Luke runs in and jumps on your shared bed and he looks at you as you tilt the phone so you get him in too. You look back at him and say,"I love you." he repeats the same thing and you both kiss for the end.

Caption: Our Life. Us.


"Mikey?" you whisper in Michael's ear, as you film your keek. He doesn't do anything, but continue his game on the XBox. You smirk at the camera and start kissing his lips, gaining his affection and attention. He closes his eyes, pauses the game, and begins kissing you back, but to tease him, you pull away. He pouts as you laugh and end the small video.

Caption: Teaser ;)


"Heyyyy CalyBear!" you flop on the couch, using his new "nickname" and he raises an eyebrow at you. "Heyyy bae!" he chuckles and kisses your cheek. "I love your hair." "And I love you!" he pokes your nose and pecks your lips. "I love your eyes." "And I love you more than the planet." He smiles and he pecks your lips once again. "No! I love you more than..... ANYONE!" you giggle and he says,"I love you more than the distance of the moon and back!" "IMPOSSIBLE! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN INFINITE!!" you yell and kiss his lips as you end the keek.

Caption: I sooooo won!!

hoped you all liked this! Sorry I haven't updated but I have been busyyyyy. love you.xx

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