He catches you doing something embarrassing

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Shoutout to @babe-a-licious for recommending this preference!


You're in the laundry room, folding laundry of course and listening to their new album on your phone. Your favourite song comes on, so what else do you do? How could you not dance and sing along to it? While Ash is out with your son, you're folding sleep shirts, pajama pants, and undies. Not realising that Ash was standing in the door way of the room, holding your one year old son, you keep your back turned and continue dancing and singing along to the song. When you finish folding a pair of Ashton's undies, you lay it in the basket and turn around, stopping in a hault, noticing Ash standing there, dying of laughter. "How long were you there?" You ask, crossing your arms across your chest. "Long enough to know that you still have a nice butt." He winks and walks away, still laughing.


You were at a wedding for a close friend, and Luke was on his way with your daughter from your moms house. You were dancing with the bride to an upbeat song and singing along, as was the others. He walks in, and notices you acting crazy and wild. Turning around, blood rushes to your cheeks as you realize your husband saw your crazy dancing and singing.


Everyone was outside in the pool, jumping in, relaxing, cooking, eating, whatever there is to a pool party. You had recently bought Nerf guns to shoot with for battles and never even practiced using them. You don't even know how to shoot. After the boys had gotten ahold of them, they started shooting and you tried but ended up failing. Once Cal showed you where to hold down the trigger, you pointed it down and pressed the trigger, releasing the foam bullet onto your foot. The boys die of laughter and end up teasing you for the rest if the week.


You had recently signed up for babysitting jobs since you and Mikey were planning on having kids together. So, while Mike was in the studio, you had a little girl over to take care if until 6pm. Around 3pm, the little girl had requested you to play Barbie's with her. Agreeing, you guys sat in the living room playing Barbie's until 3:45 when Mikey walked through the door and snickered at you playing as a guy. He thought it was cute how you had started to watch little kids.

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