Chapter 12

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Jay ate his dinner quietly as conversation buzzed around the ninja. He was glad he was able to eat a full meal, considering the last thing he ate was...

No. Not right now. No thinking about blood. Or drinking blood. Or drawing blood. Or anything about blood.

The blue ninja smiled and nuzzled his girl.

Just Nya. Only Nya.

As dinner continued, a few brief remarks about Jay's silence were thrown about. Jay didn't care to hear them, or didn't really hear them at all. It didn't matter really. They didn't know what was going on inside his head. Too much confusion- not enough Nya.

Jay bit his lip and stood up. "I, uh, I'm gonna go to sleep. I feel a bit drowsy from the medicine I took earlier. Heh." His uneasy laugh at the end usually meant everything was alright and he was being his usual panicky self, but considering what had happened to him...

"Uh, okay, Jay. Let us know if you need anything." Kai nodded to Jay and Jay returned the same gesture.


'Ugggghhhhhh. That was soooo awkward. I can't believe they'd question your silence like that. Who do they think they are?' Bliv was moaning a bit more than usual. Jay smiled and replied: 'You're a bit snappy today. Hungry?' Bliv groaned. 'Yessss. I need to eaaaattt.' Jay sighed. 'Dude, Bliv, I'm stuffed. I can't eat my food and blood at the same time. You gotta understand that.' Bliv clucked his tongue 'We'll see about that.'

All of a sudden, Jay felt extremely hungry. Clutching his stomach, and hissing a curse word, he snapped back at Bliv. 'What the hell did you do? I'm literally starving, man!'

Bliv let out a low chuckle. 'More room for me. Off we go!'

Jay's body plummeted into the freezing night. 'Bliv! I didn't even get to change!' Bliv sighed. 'That silly costume? Please. Let me show you something cooler.'

Jay suddenly felt his body go into spinjitzu-mode. Except it wasn't the bright blue it usually was. It was a cloudy-black, with deep blood reds and streaks of crimson lightning. In a flash, Jay felt his wings being his guide and carrying him through the night. Except they weren't on his back.

Jay turned his head, which felt surprisingly lighter. That's when he saw it.

A black, glossy wing with curly amber fur became his arm. His whole body felt like wings, which connected to his back and met at his tail. His thumbs became claws at the ends of his wings, his fingers carrying out his flying, becoming his tools of flight. Licking his teeth, he found they were sharp and thin. His eyesight was poor, but his ears. His brilliant ears could hear... Everything. The hop of a grasshopper. The drops of dew on the grass. The gentle snores of a child at home. It was... Amazing. He was amazing. Wait.


He was a bat.

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