Chapter 2

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Their kiss was long and sweet, like a lengthy poem, spilling out in verse. Nya's baby-soft pale hands ran across Jay's face and neck, stroking him, encouraging him.

It was Kai who interrupted their bliss. "Jay! Sensei's asking where you ar- WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?"

Jay's face went pale, immediately pulling away from Nya. "Kai, I can explain."

"Explain what Jay? EXPLAIN WHAT?"

Nya stormed in front of the two, facing her brother. "The fact that he's my boyfriend Kai!" Jay blushed, his cheeks going beet red. B-boyfriend? He would have danced in joy, until he heard the rest of the fight.

Nya stomped her foot. "Kai! Stop hovering over me all the time! I'm almost nineteen! I don't need my big brother to watch over me all the time! I'm not a baby!" Nya then sat down in one of the chairs and sobbed. "You aren't mom. You aren't dad. Stop acting like them. I just want a brother out of you."

Kai crouched down to Nya and placed a gloved hand on Nya's arm. "Nya. I know it's been hard on you since they died. But you need to understand that I have to watch over you sometimes. Remember? When you're in trouble, I have your back. When I'm in trouble..."

Nya sniffed and smiled through her tears. "I have yours."

After a few minutes, Kai walked over to Jay and placed an arm around him. "Hey man." He whispered. "Someday, I'm gonna start my own family and not be around Nya all the time. Promise me..." Kai took a deep breath and continued. "Promise me you'll take care of her."

"I Promise." And he meant it.

Sensei met Jay after training. "Jay, I noticed you were absent through most our our sunrise exercises. Any thoughts troubling you?" Jay took a deep breath, and explained the nightmares, the desire to relive them, the desire to seek what they mean. He didn't mention the kiss between Nya and him. That wasn't important right now.

Sensei sighed and looked at the clouds. "Jay, tell me of your dreams." Jay swallowed. "It's the same one, over and over. I'm free, flying through the night sky. I'm happy. Then I look at myself. I'm a bat. I'm like a monster. I suddenly hate being free, I'm afraid..."

Sensei looked at the clouds again. "Hmm. Perhaps this is a form of you wanting to break free from whatever is holding you back. You wish to see the future, yet, you are afraid you will regret it. It's strange, however. Those dreams are common before one's true potential. Not after, like yours. Something or someone else may be holding you back."

Without another word, Sensei slipped inside the Bounty, mysteriously shutting the door in front of Jay's face.

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