Chapter 11

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Jay shook with fear as Sensei removed his hands. Sensei remained silent as he sipped his tea solemnly. The student sat, struck with terror, yet still able to stand tall in front of his teacher.

After what seemed like forever, Sensei looked up at Jay. "Jay. There is something taking over you. Physically. I'm afraid it has linked into you. Without it... You would be dead." Sensei sighed and bowed his head. "Jay, listen to me; the night you fell unconscious..." Sensei let out another shaky sigh. "I believe you died that night."

Jay swallowed and felt his whole head burn and sink to his stomach. It was the kind of feeling where you realized there was homework right when class began. Yeah, not a good feeling. The blue ninja looked at his hands and whispered, "How? How am I dead?"

Sensei looked Jay in the eyes. He was serious about this matter. "As I said, the creature possessing you is keeping you alive. I think... the night you died... the creature entered your body and kept you going at the last second. I've dealt with situations like this before; except, I've never had to deal with a dead man walking." Sensei hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry, Jay, but there is nothing I can do."

A tear slid down Jay's cheek, but he quickly wiped it away. No need to show any signs of weakness now.

Sensei looked up at Jay again and asked, "Does this creature... Speak with you Jay?"

Jay swallowed. He remembered that he was not to think about Bliv, let alone talk about it. He decided to answer with, "No, Sensei. All I see are dark images that frighten me, like the one we saw together." It was a half-lie, but it helped keep Bliv a secret.

For now.


Jay joined the team for dinner for the first time in four days. It felt like a year to him, but so much was happening to him. He was possessed, a vampire, dead, half-Oblivion, kept alive by Oblivion... What the fuck was happening to him? Why him? Why?

"Hey! It's sleeping beauty, waking from his 100 year slumber!" A very Cole-like voice shouted. He grinned and patted the seat next to Nya. "Right here, next to your samurai in shining armor!" Nya smacked Cole on the shoulder and giggled.

"It seems like forever man." Kai piped up. 'What's Nya been doin' to ya anyway in there, huh? We haven't been allowed to come in and see you." Kai suddenly scrunched up his eyebrows. "You two aren't fuuuccc-"

Kai swiveled around in his seat to see Lloyd smirking. "What were you gonna say, Kai?" He grinned cheekily. Kai cleared his throat. "Ahem. I was going to say... You two aren't, uhh... Frick-Fracking, or, wait... No... Um, doing the do.. No no.."

"OKAY! Okay! We get it!" Nya groaned, rolling her eyes. "Jay, just sit down already, please? I need a normal man to be with, for once."

Jay laughed and wrapped his arms around Nya, saying loudly in front of Kai, "I wub you my widdul cuppy-cake schumptzy-poo gumdrop lollipop baby cakes sweetums!"

Kai rolled his eyes and stamped his foot. "You two are real idiots in love, aren't you?" He fumed, turning his reddening face away from the star crossed lovers.

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