Chapter 32

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Jay shut his eyes, breathing fast. That was a close one. The ninja looked up to thank his savior, and was shocked.

"Nya?" Jay gasped. 

The samurai's amber-brown eyes were focused on the control panel, but it didn't stop her from giving Jay a wink.

"Caught you just in time, didn't I? Just like old times."

Jay laughed. "I don't think I've ever been more happy to see you."

Nya smiled to herself. "You look human. Did Oblivion release you?"

"Yeah." Jay grinned. "He kept me alive!" 

Jay gasped and suddenly remembered Bliv's plan. "Nya! Bliv's spirit is gonna attack the ninja- we have to get to the Bounty!"

Nya nodded. "Already on it."

She flew the mech towards the Bounty, gently landing it. Jay hopped out of its arms, and helped Nya down from the cockpit.

"Thanks, Jay." She smiled, putting a hand over her stomach. "It was a big risk for me to run that thing pregnant, but I'm fine as long as you're safe."

"Thank you, Nya." Jay hugged her. "Thank you so much."

After their reunion, the two dashed into the Bounty.

"Who's flying this thing, anyway?" Jay asked. 

"Probably Cole or Zane." Nya answered. "If Oblivion attacks them, I'll take over. It's not like I can fight, anyway."

Nya and Jay dashed to the bridge, hoping to find their allies. They turned into the next hallway, the lights above them dark and flickering, leaving a dark green hue in the room.

They skidded to a halt at the sight they saw next. Nya burst into tears, clinging onto Jay.

Zane's mangled body hung from the ceiling, pieces of him falling to the floor, doused in a light blue liquid. The corpse was so muliated that Jay couldn't identify it was the nindroid's, until he saw the funny switch, dangling by a single wire.

Jay held Nya close. It was clear now.

Oblivion wasn't fucking around.

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