Chapter 35

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Bliv took one last look at Jay before ending his existence. He flew towards the fire ninja, entering his body.

Kai screamed, bursts of flame spreading all around his body. Engulfed in fire, he crumpled to the ground, crying out in pain. As the flames slowly extinguished from his body, his breathing became slower, more twisted. He stood up, revealing himself.

His deep amber-brown eyes became blood-red, his tanned skin turning almost as pale as Bliv's. His dark brown hair turned as black as pitch, shimmering in the dim light. He pulled back his lips, grinning and revealing his fangs.

Jay took a step back, forming a small ball of blue electricity at his palm. "Kai? You okay?"

Kai laughed, examining his new form and running his fingers along his teeth. "I'm better than ever, Jay! Imagine the kind of power I possess now..." He shot flames around, harder and stronger than they had ever been before. "This is fucking awesome!"

Jay grew worried, knowing what he had to do next. "Kai... Everyone's dead..." His voice cracked with tears.

Kai stopped, a look of horror on his face. "...Nya?"

"She's..." Jay couldn't bear to lie to Kai; he let it play out slowly.

"Jay... What happened to Nya?" Kai asked slowly.

Jay let a few tears slip, trying to convince Kai even more. This had to work...

Kai fell to his knees, in shock. Flames began to surround his body, building up more and more, faster and faster, Kai's screams intensifying as well. Bits of his skin began to burn, his flesh charred and peeling away. He was killing himself, ridding the world of the last Ignacian cannibal, just as Jay's inventive mind had planned. Jay turned away from the fire ninja, unable to watch the pain he put upon his friend.

Right as Kai was about to burn himself to a crisp, Nya burst out of the barricaded door that concealed her. "Jay! What's going on?!" She yelled over Kai's screams of anguish, but then quickly cut herself off at the sight of her brother.

Kai locked his eyes with Nya, a look that showed he was instantly filled with regret from what he had done to himself. And then, rage.

Kai's face was twisted in anger, suddenly transforming monstrous and bat-like. "JAY!" He bellowed, bat wings ripping out of his gi, claws tearing through his gloves. He opened his mouth to reveal billions of sharp fangs, ready to tear the lightning ninja's throat out.

The fire, however, won.

An explosion of dark red fire blasted through the whole Bounty, seizing Kai's life.

Jay and Nya, however, were safe. After a few minutes, Jay opened his eyes, noticing Nya gently closing her fingers, and lowering her hand. The area around them was soaking wet, and Nya and Jay were drenched with water.

"Whoa..." Nya breathed, looking at her hand. "Did I just...?"

"Nya... I think you're the master of water..." Jay's eyes widened. "You saved the Bounty from catching on fire... You saved us!" He hugged her and held her close.

Tears escaped Nya's eyes. "Jay? What happened to Kai?"

"Bliv possessed him and Kai killed himself..." Jay started. "He couldn't bear the pain..."

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